
Synthetics support matrix

There are various components that make up the Synthetics solution, which are supported in the following configurations:

  • GA support: 8.8.0 and higher

  • Notes:

  • GA support: 8.8.0 and higher
  • Notes: For creating and managing lightweight and browser monitors configured as Project monitors
  • GA support: 8.8.0 and higher

  • Notes: Elastic’s infrastructure for running lightweight and browser monitors configured through the Synthetics app and/or Project monitors

    Executing synthetic tests on Elastic’s global managed testing infrastructure incurs an additional charge. Tests are charged under one of two new billing dimensions depending on the monitor type. For browser monitor usage, there is a fee per test run. For lightweight monitor usage, there is a fee per region in which you run any monitors regardless of the number of test runs. For more details, refer to full details and current pricing.

  • GA support: 8.8.0 and higher

  • Notes:

    • For running lightweight and browser monitors from your self-managed infrastructure

    • Relies on the Synthetics integration 1.0.0 or above

      • Any inline or Zip URL monitors configured with the beta Synthetics integration prior to 1.0.0, are not supported and will stop running in the future
    • Shipped as the elastic-agent-complete Docker image

    • Must have a direct connection to Elasticsearch

      • Do not configure any ingest pipelines or Logstash output
  • GA support: As defined in the standard Support matrix

  • Notes:

    • For running lightweight monitors via YML configuration running on self-managed infrastructure
    • Browser-based monitors are not supported in this configuration
  • GA support: As defined in the standard Support matrix

  • Notes:

    • For running lightweight monitors via YML configuration running on self-managed infrastructure with standalone Elastic Agent
    • Browser-based monitors are not supported in this configuration
    • Results for monitors configured using the standalone Elastic Agent are available in the Uptime app (not the Synthetics app)

System requirements:

  • macOS - High Sierra and newer

  • Windows - Windows 10 and newer

  • Linux:

    • Ubuntu - 14.04 and newer
    • Fedora - 24 and newer
    • Debian - 8 and newer

Synthetics must have a direct connection to Elasticsearch, whether running monitors from Elastic’s global managed testing infrastructure or from Private Locations.

Do not configure any ingest pipelines or output via Logstash as this will prevent Synthetics from working properly and is not supported.