
Updating custom templates to support node_roles and autoscaling

Custom deployment templates should be updated in order to take advantage of new Elastic Cloud Enterprise features, such as Data tiers (that is, the new cold and frozen data tiers) and Deployment autoscaling. By updating these templates we also ensure forward compatibility with future Elastic Cloud Enterprise versions that will require certain fields such as node_roles and id to be present in the deployment configuration.

System owned deployment templates have already been updated to support both data tiers with node_roles and autoscaling. However, the custom templates that you created need to be manually updated by following the steps in this guide.

The node_roles field defines the roles that an Elasticsearch topology element can have, which is used in place of node_type when a new feature such as autoscaling is enabled, or when a new data tier is added. This field is supported on Elastic stack versions 7.10 and above.

There are a number of fields that need to be added to each Elasticsearch node in order to support node_roles:

  • id: Unique identifier of the topology element. This field, along with the node_roles, identifies an Elasticsearch topology element.

  • node_roles: The list of node roles. Allowable roles are: master, ingest, ml, data_hot, data_content, data_warm, data_cold, data_frozen, remote_cluster_client, and transform. For details, check Node roles.

  • topology_element_control: Controls for the topology element.

    • min: The absolute minimum size limit for a topology element. If the value is 0, that means the topology element can be disabled.

The following example is based on the default system owned deployment template that already supports node_roles. This template will be used as a reference for the next sections:

In the reference example there are seven different Elasticsearch topology elements: hot_content, warm, cold, frozen, coordinating, master, and ml. These names map to the id field of each topology element. In addition, this template contains four different resources: elasticsearch, kibana, apm, and enterprise_search.

To add support for node_roles, the deployment template has to meet the following requirements:

  • Contains all four resources: elasticsearch, kibana, apm, and enterprise_search.

  • The elasticsearch resource contains all seven topology elements: hot_content, warm, cold, frozen, coordinating, master, and ml.


    The IDs hot_content, warm, cold, frozen, coordinating, master, and ml are the only ones supported in an Elasticsearch topology element. In addition, there may not be topology elements with duplicate IDs inside the elasticsearch resource.

  • Each topology element contains the id, node_roles, and topology_element_control fields.

It is also recommended that all Elasticsearch topology elements have the node_attributes field. This field can be useful in ILM policies, when creating a deployment using a version below 7.10, that does not support node_roles.

Except for the id and node_roles, all fields can be configured by the user. Also, the topology elements must contain the exact same id and node_roles that are present in the reference example.


Although it is required for the template to contain all resources and topology elements, it is possible to disable certain components by setting their size.value (and topology_element_control.size in the case of the Elasticsearch topology elements) to 0.

To update a custom deployment template:

  1. Add the id, node_roles, node_attributes, and topology_element_control fields to the existing Elasticsearch topology elements. Keep in mind that these fields must match the Elasticsearch topology element in question:

    • If the id of the topology elements in the existing templates already match any of the seven mentioned in the requirements, then simply add the node_roles and topology_element_control to those elements, based on the reference example.
    • Otherwise, map each of the existing topology elements to one of the seven Elasticsearch topology elements, based on their node_type, and add the fields accordingly.
  2. Add the elasticsearch topology elements that are missing.

  3. Add the resources that are missing.


It is recommended to add the id field to each Elasticsearch topology element in the deployment plan, before updating the template. This can be performed either through a deployment update API request or using the deployment Advanced edit page. Refer to the note above to understand which values are available for the id field.

The existing template contains three Elasticsearch topology elements and two resources (elasticsearch and kibana).

In this case we can match the three existing Elasticsearch topology elements to hot_content, master, and ml, respectively, based on their node_type field. Therefore, we can simply add the id, node_roles, topology_element_control, and node_attributes that are already associated with these topology elements in the reference example.

Then, it is only necessary to add the four Elasticsearch topology elements (warm, cold, frozen, and coordinating) and two resources (apm and enterprise_search) that are missing. These fields can also be added based on the reference example.

After adding support for node_roles, the resulting deployment template should look similar to the following:

After adding support for node_roles we can then update the template to support autoscaling. Autoscaling is used to automatically adjust the available resources in the deployments. Currently, this feature is available for Elasticsearch data tiers and machine learning node in Elastic stack versions 7.11 and above.

There are a number of autoscaling fields that need to be added in order to support autoscaling:

  • autoscaling_min: The default minimum size of an Elasticsearch topology element when autoscaling is enabled. This setting is currently available only for machine learning nodes, since these are the only nodes that support scaling down.
  • autoscaling_max: The default maximum size of an Elasticsearch topology element when autoscaling is enabled. This setting is currently available only for data tiers and machine learning nodes, since these are the only nodes that support scaling up.
  • autoscaling_enabled: When set to true, autoscaling is enabled by default on an Elasticsearch cluster.

These fields represent the default settings for the deployment. However, autoscaling can be enabled/disabled and the maximum and minimum autoscaling sizes can be adjusted in the deployment settings.

Similar to the node_roles example, the following one is also based on the default deployment template that already supports node_roles and autoscaling. This template will be used as a reference for the next sections:

To add support for autoscaling, the deployment template has to meet the following requirements:

  1. Already has support for node_roles.
  2. Contains the size, autoscaling_min, and autoscaling_max fields, according to the rules specified in the autoscaling requirements table.
  3. Contains the autoscaling_enabled fields on the elasticsearch resource.

If necessary, the values chosen for each field can be based on the reference example.

To update a custom deployment template:

  1. Add the autoscaling_min and autoscaling_max fields to the Elasticsearch topology elements (check Autoscaling through the API).
  2. Add the autoscaling_enabled fields to the elasticsearch resource. Set this field to true in case you want autoscaling enabled by default, and to false otherwise.

After adding support for autoscaling to the example presented in the previous section, the resulting deployment template should look similar to the following:

Having added support for node_roles and autoscaling to your custom template, it is possible to perform the update through the RESTful API, by following these steps:

  1. Obtain the existing deployment templates by sending the following GET request, and take note of the id of the template you wish to update.

    curl -k -X GET -H "Authorization: ApiKey $ECE_API_KEY" https://COORDINATOR_HOST:12443/api/v1/deployments/templates?region=ece-region
  2. Send a PUT request with the updated template on the payload, in order to effectively replace the outdated template with the new one. Note that the following request is just an example, you have to replace {{template_id}} with the id you collected on step 1. and set the payload to the updated template JSON. Check set deployment template API for more details.

After the template is updated, you can start creating new deployments or migrating existing ones to node_roles.

Although node_roles and autoscaling are only available in more recent Elastic stack versions, an updated template can still be used with deployments that have versions below 7.10. In these cases, the data tiers and autoscaling features will only take effect once the deployment is upgraded to versions 7.10 and 7.11, respectively.

Once a custom template is updated with node_roles, the existing deployments associated with this template can be migrated to node_roles. This migration can be done automatically by performing one of the following actions through the UI:

  • Enable a warm, cold, or frozen tier.
  • Upgrade the deployment.
  • Enable autoscaling (only possible if the custom template has support for autoscaling).

If you do not intend to perform any of these actions, the migration can only be done by manually updating the necessary fields in the deployment plan. This can be performed either through the API or using the deployment Advanced edit page.

Using the API:

  1. Go to the deployment Edit page.
  2. Get the deployment update payload by clicking Equivalent API request at the bottom of the page.
  3. Update the payload by replacing node_type with node_roles in each Elasticsearch topology element. To know which node_roles to add to each topology element, refer to the custom template example where support for node_roles is added.
  4. Send a PUT request with the updated deployment payload to conclude the migration. Check the Update Deployment API documentation for more details.

Using the Advanced edit:


To follow this approach you need to have administrator privileges.

  1. Go to the deployment Edit page.
  2. Click Advanced edit at the bottom of the page.
  3. Update the Deployment configuration by replacing node_type with node_roles in each Elasticsearch topology element. To know which node_roles to add to each topology element, refer to the custom template example where support for node_roles is added.
  4. Click Save to conclude the migration.

Once a deployment is migrated to node roles, it is not possible to roll back.

After the migration plan has finished, we recommend following the Migrate index allocation filters to node roles guide. Step 1 of this guide was already accomplished by adding support for node_roles. However, performing steps 2, 3, and 4, which involves updating index settings, index templates, and ILM policies, can prevent shard allocation issues caused by conflicting ILM policies.

The following is an example of a deployment plan that does not contain node_roles:

After adding support for node_roles to the example deployment plan, the resulting plan should look similar to the following: