
Collect monitoring data with Elastic Agent

Self Managed

In 8.5 and later, you can use Elastic Agent to collect data about Kibana and ship it to the monitoring cluster, rather than using Metricbeat or routing data through the production cluster as described in Legacy collection methods.

To learn about monitoring in general, see Monitor a cluster.

To collect Kibana monitoring data, add a Kibana integration to an Elastic Agent and deploy it to the host where Kibana is running.

  1. Go to the Integrations page.


    If you’re using a monitoring cluster, use the Kibana instance connected to the monitoring cluster.

  2. In the query bar, search for and select the Kibana integration for Elastic Agent.

  3. Read the overview to make sure you understand integration requirements and other considerations.

  4. Click Add Kibana.


    If you’re installing an integration for the first time, you may be prompted to install Elastic Agent. Click Add integration only (skip agent installation).

  5. Configure the integration name and optionally add a description. Make sure you configure all required settings:

    • Under Collect Kibana logs, modify the log paths to match your Kibana environment.
    • Under Collect Kibana metrics, make sure the hosts setting points to your Kibana host URLs. By default, the integration collects Kibana monitoring metrics from localhost:5601. If that host and port number are not correct, update the hosts setting. If you configured Kibana to use encrypted communications, you must access it via HTTPS. For example, use a hosts setting like https://localhost:5601.
    • If the Elastic security features are enabled, expand Advanced options under the Hosts setting and enter the username and password of a user that has the remote_monitoring_collector role.
  6. Choose where to add the integration policy. Click New hosts* to add it to new agent policy or *Existing hosts to add it to an existing agent policy.

  7. Click Save and continue. This step takes a minute or two to complete. When it’s done, you’ll have an agent policy that contains an integration for collecting monitoring data from Kibana.

  8. If an Elastic Agent is already assigned to the policy and deployed to the host where Kibana is running, you’re done. Otherwise, you need to deploy an Elastic Agent. To deploy an Elastic Agent:

    1. Go to Fleet → Agents*, then click *Add agent.
    2. Follow the steps in the Add agent flyout to download, install, and enroll the Elastic Agent. Make sure you choose the agent policy you created earlier.
  9. Wait a minute or two until incoming data is confirmed.

  10. View the monitoring data in Kibana.