
Anonymous access

ECE ECK Elastic Cloud Hosted Self Managed


To embed Kibana dashboards or grant access to Kibana without requiring credentials, use Kibana's anonymous authentication feature instead.

Incoming requests to Elasticsearch are considered to be anonymous if no authentication token can be extracted from the incoming request. By default, anonymous requests are rejected and an authentication error is returned (status code 401).

To enable anonymous access, you assign one or more roles to anonymous users in the elasticsearch.yml configuration file. For example, the following configuration assigns anonymous users role1 and role2:

    username: anonymous_user 1
    roles: role1, role2 2
    authz_exception: true 3
  1. The username/principal of the anonymous user. Defaults to _es_anonymous_user if not specified.
  2. The roles to associate with the anonymous user. If no roles are specified, anonymous access is disabled—​anonymous requests will be rejected and return an authentication error.
  3. When true, a 403 HTTP status code is returned if the anonymous user does not have the permissions needed to perform the requested action and the user will NOT be prompted to provide credentials to access the requested resource. When false, a 401 HTTP status code is returned if the anonymous user does not have the necessary permissions and the user is prompted for credentials to access the requested resource. If you are using anonymous access in combination with HTTP, you might need to set authz_exception to false if your client does not support preemptive basic authentication. Defaults to true.