
Proxy Log Fields



These fields are subject to change, though the vast majority of them are generic for HTTP requests and should be relatively stable.

Field Description
proxy_ip the IP on the connection, i.e. a proxy IP if the request has been proxied
request_end the time the request was returned in ms since unix epoch
status_code the HTTP status returned to the client
handling_instance the product instance name the request was forwarded to
handling_server the allocator IP address the request was forwarded to
request_length the length of the request body, a value of -1 means streaming/continuing
request_path the request path from the url
instance_capacity the total capacity of the handling instance
response_time the total time taken for the request in milliseconds ms. response_time includes backend_response_time.
backend_response_time the total time spent processing the upstream request with the backend instance (Elasticsearch, Kibana, and so on), including the initial connection, time the component is processing the request, and time streaming the response back to the calling client. The proxy latency is backend_response_time - response_time. backend_response_time minus backend_response_body_time indicates the time spent making the initial connection to the backend instance as well as the time for the backend instance to actually process the request. backend_response_time includes backend_response_body_time.
backend_response_body_time the total time spent streaming the response from the backend instance to the calling client.
auth_user the authenticated user for the request (only supported for basic authentication)
capacity the total capacity of the handling cluster
request_host the Host header from the request
client_ip the client IP for the request (may differ from proxy ip if X-Forwarded-For or proxy protocol is configured)
availability_zones the number of availablity zones supported by the target cluster
response_length the number of bytes written in the response body
connection_id a unique ID represented a single client connecition, multiple requests may use a single connection
status_reason an optional reason to explain the response code - e.g. BLOCKED_BY_TRAFFIC_FILTER
request_start the time the request was received in milliseconds ms since unix epoch
request_port the port used for the request
request_scheme the scheme (HTTP/HTTPS) used for the request
message an optoinal message associated with a proxy error
action the type of elasticsearch request (e.g. search/bulk etc)
handling_cluster the cluster the request was forwarded to
request_id a unique ID for each request (returned on the response as X-Cloud-Request-Id - can be used to correlate client requests with proxy logs)
tls_version a code indicating the TLS version used for the request - 1.0 769,1.1 770,1.2 771,1.3 772
instance_count the number of instances in the target cluster
cluster_type the type of cluster the request was routed to (e.g. elasticsearch, kibana, apm etc)
request_method the HTTP method for the request
backend_connection_id a unique ID for the upstream request to the product, the proxy maintains connection pools so this should be re-used