Manage deployments
Elastic Cloud Hosted
Elastic Cloud Hosted allows you to configure and maintain your deployments with a high level of control on every component of the Elastic Stack. You can adjust the settings of any of your deployments at any time.
Define the core configuration of your deployment, including available features, hardware settings and capacity, autoscaling, and high availability.
- Select a hardware profile optimized for your use case.
- Make adjustments to specific deployment components, such as the Elasticsearch cluster or an Integrations Server.
- Manage data tiers.
Ensure the health of your deployment over time
- Keep track of your deployment's activity or Enable logging and monitoring of the deployment performance.
- Perform maintenance operations to ensure the health of your deployment, such as restarting your deployment or stopping routing.
Manage the lifecycle of your deployment:
- Upgrade your deployment and its components to a newer version of the Elastic Stack.
- Delete your deployment.