Allow x509 Certificates Signed with SHA-1
Elastic Cloud Enterprise 3.5.0 and later defaults to rejecting x509 certificates signed with the SHA-1 hash function. This does not apply to self-signed root certificates. Practical attacks against SHA-1 have been demonstrated since 2017 and publicly trusted Certificate Authorities have not issues SHA-1 certificates since 2015.
You can temporarily bring back the legacy behavior by running the following script. Note that this requires a proxy restart, and support for x509 SHA-1 certificates will be entirely removed in a future release.
On a host that holds the director role:
docker run \ -v ~/.found-shell:/elastic_cloud_apps/shell/.found-shell \ --env SHELL_ZK_AUTH=$(docker exec -it frc-directors-director bash -c 'echo -n $FOUND_ZK_READWRITE') $(docker inspect -f '{{ range .HostConfig.ExtraHosts }} --add-host {{.}} {{ end }}' frc-directors-director) \ --env \ --rm -it \ $(docker inspect -f '{{ .Config.Image }}' frc-directors-director) \ /elastic_cloud_apps/shell/
On all the proxy hosts:
docker rm -f frc-proxies-proxyv2
To reset back to the default behavior of rejected x509 certificates signed with the SHA-1 hash function, you can run the following code.
On a host that holds the director role:
docker run \ -v ~/.found-shell:/elastic_cloud_apps/shell/.found-shell \ --env SHELL_ZK_AUTH=$(docker exec -it frc-directors-director bash -c 'echo -n $FOUND_ZK_READWRITE') $(docker inspect -f '{{ range .HostConfig.ExtraHosts }} --add-host {{.}} {{ end }}' frc-directors-director) \ --env \ --rm -it \ $(docker inspect -f '{{ .Config.Image }}' frc-directors-director) \ /elastic_cloud_apps/shell/
On all the proxy hosts:
docker rm -f frc-proxies-proxyv2