
Update billing and operational contacts

If different persons from your organization are involved in billing and operations, you can specify their relevant contact details in addition to the members set up on the account.

These additional contacts only receive billing or operational emails. You can also set a specific email address to receive monitoring alerts. Members of the account still receive both types of emails.


Operational contacts can only receive operational notifications, such as out-of-memory alerts. Operational and billing contacts can’t log in to Elastic Cloud. To log in to the Elastic Cloud Console, you must log in as the organization owner, or be a member of the organization.

To update billing and operational contacts, or set an email address for monitoring alerts:

  1. Log in to the Elastic Cloud Console.
  2. Select the user icon on the header bar and choose Organization from the menu.
  3. On the Contacts page, specify your new contacts.

You can specify multiple email addresses for each category. They become effective immediately and no further confirmation of the email addresses is required.