
Failback when clusterA comes back

When clusterA comes back, clusterB becomes the new leader and clusterA becomes the follower.

  1. Set up remote cluster clusterB on clusterA.

     ### On clusterA ### PUT _cluster/settings
      "persistent": {
        "cluster": {
          "remote": {
            "clusterB": {
              "mode": "proxy",
              "skip_unavailable": "true",
              "server_name": "clusterb.es.region-b.gcp.elastic-cloud.com",
              "proxy_socket_connections": "18",
              "proxy_address": "clusterb.es.region-b.gcp.elastic-cloud.com:9400"
  2. Existing data needs to be discarded before you can turn any index into a follower. Ensure the most up-to-date data is available on clusterB prior to deleting any indices on clusterA.

     ### On clusterA ### DELETE kibana_sample_data_ecommerce
  3. Create a follower index on clusterA, now following the leader index in clusterB.

     ### On clusterA ### PUT /kibana_sample_data_ecommerce/_ccr/follow?wait_for_active_shards=1
      "remote_cluster": "clusterB",
      "leader_index": "kibana_sample_data_ecommerce2"
  4. The index on the follower cluster now contains the updated documents.

     ### On clusterA ### GET kibana_sample_data_ecommerce/_search?q=kimchy

    If a soft delete is merged away before it can be replicated to a follower the following process will fail due to incomplete history on the leader, see index.soft_deletes.retention_lease.period for more details.