
Get started with APM


Starting in version 8.15.0, the Elasticsearch apm-data plugin manages APM index templates, lifecycle policies, and ingest pipelines.

The APM Server receives performance data from your APM agents, validates and processes it, and then transforms the data into Elasticsearch documents. If you’re on this page, then you’ve chosen to self-manage the Elastic Stack, and you now must decide how to run and configure the APM Server. There are two options, and the components required are different for each:

Fleet is a web-based UI in Kibana that is used to centrally manage Elastic Agents. In this deployment model, use Elastic Agent to spin up APM Server instances that can be centrally-managed in a custom-curated user interface.

APM Server fleet overview


  • Conveniently manage one, some, or many different integrations from one central Fleet UI.
  • Centrally manage multiple APM Servers running on edge machines.

Supported outputs:

  • Elasticsearch
  • Elasticsearch Service

Fleet-managed APM Server does not support all the outputs that are supported by the APM Server binary method of running Elastic APM.

Required components:

  • APM agents
  • Elastic Agent (which runs multiple subprocesses including APM Server, Fleet Server, and Elastic Stack)

Configuration method: Kibana UI

Install, configure, and run the APM Server binary wherever you need it.

APM Server binary overview


  • Simplest self-managed option
  • No addition component knowledge required
  • YAML configuration simplifies automation

Supported outputs:

  • Elasticsearch
  • Elasticsearch Service
  • Logstash
  • Kafka
  • Redis
  • File
  • Console

Required components:

  • APM agents
  • APM Server
  • Elastic Stack

Configuration method: YAML

This decision tree highlights key factors to help you make an informed decision about implementing Elastic APM. It provides practical guidance and is not intended to serve as a comprehensive reference of all possible implementations and capabilities.

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<text fill="#343741" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Inter" font-size="18" font-weight="bold" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="511.155" y="744.545">APM Server binary</tspan></text>
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<text fill="#343741" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Inter" font-size="18" font-weight="bold" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="102.167" y="744.545">Fleet-managed APM Server</tspan></text>
<text fill="#343741" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Inter" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="418.334" y="582.591">YAML</tspan></text>
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<text fill="#343741" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Inter" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="27.4316" y="591.591">UI</tspan></text>
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<text fill="#343741" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Inter" font-size="14" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="130.668" y="610.568">Curated UI or YAML-based?</tspan></text>
<text fill="#343741" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Inter" font-size="18" font-weight="bold" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="87.9408" y="563.568">What is your preferred method </tspan><tspan x="147.258" y="585.568">of configuration?
<text fill="#343741" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Inter" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="214.353" y="491.591">no</tspan></text>
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<text fill="#343741" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Inter" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="23.4072" y="406.591">yes</tspan></text>
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<text fill="#343741" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Inter" font-size="14" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="81.0395" y="426.068">Integrations collect observability data from </tspan><tspan x="90.5346" y="443.068">specific services and protect endpoints.</tspan></text>
<text fill="#343741" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Inter" font-size="18" font-weight="bold" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="113.359" y="379.068">Do you want to use other </tspan><tspan x="88.6703" y="401.068">integrations with APM Server?
<text fill="#343741" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Inter" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="646.018" y="525.591">Logstash or
</tspan><tspan x="666.778" y="542.591">Kafka</tspan></text>
<path d="M686 471L686 511" stroke="#017D73" stroke-width="2"/>
<path d="M686.707 672.707C686.317 673.098 685.683 673.098 685.293 672.707L678.929 666.343C678.538 665.953 678.538 665.319 678.929 664.929C679.319 664.538 679.953 664.538 680.343 664.929L686 670.586L691.657 664.929C692.047 664.538 692.681 664.538 693.071 664.929C693.462 665.319 693.462 665.953 693.071 666.343L686.707 672.707ZM687 549L687 672L685 672L685 549L687 549Z" fill="#017D73"/>
<text fill="#343741" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Inter" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="413.741" y="410.591">Elasticsearch</tspan></text>
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<text fill="#343741" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Inter" font-size="14" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="584.912" y="423.568">Most users need Elasticsearch</tspan></text>
<text fill="#343741" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Inter" font-size="18" font-weight="bold" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="560.064" y="398.568">Which output are you using?
<text fill="black" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Inter" font-size="12" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="546.669" y="256.545">APM agents live on </tspan><tspan x="541.625" y="271.545">edge machines </tspan><tspan x="650" y="271.545"> a </tspan><tspan x="542.82" y="286.545">single APM Server is </tspan><tspan x="555.236" y="301.545">hosted centrally</tspan></text>
<text fill="black" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Inter" font-size="12" font-style="italic" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="631.214" y="271.545">but</tspan></text>
<text fill="#343741" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Inter" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="543.655" y="239.591">Centrally hosted</tspan></text>
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<path d="M686.707 337.707C686.317 338.098 685.683 338.098 685.293 337.707L678.929 331.343C678.538 330.953 678.538 330.319 678.929 329.929C679.319 329.538 679.953 329.538 680.343 329.929L686 335.586L691.657 329.929C692.047 329.538 692.681 329.538 693.071 329.929C693.462 330.319 693.462 330.953 693.071 331.343L686.707 337.707ZM685 337L685 246.841L687 246.841L687 337L685 337ZM674 235.841L660.5 235.841L660.5 233.841L674 233.841L674 235.841ZM685 246.841C685 240.766 680.075 235.841 674 235.841L674 233.841C681.18 233.841 687 239.661 687 246.841L685 246.841Z" fill="#017D73"/>
<text fill="black" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Inter" font-size="12" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="61.5117" y="256.749">APM agents </tspan><tspan x="154.488" y="256.749"> </tspan><tspan x="54.4863" y="271.749">APM Server live on </tspan><tspan x="52.5703" y="286.749">each edge machine</tspan></text>
<text fill="black" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Inter" font-size="12" font-style="italic" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="133.254" y="256.749">and</tspan></text>
<text fill="#343741" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Inter" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="55.9617" y="239.591">Edge machines</tspan></text>
<path d="M1 738L1.00015 247.443C1.00015 240.815 6.37273 235.443 13.0001 235.443L45.5 235.443M201 235.443L172.5 235.443" stroke="#017D73" stroke-width="2"/>
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<text fill="#343741" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Inter" font-size="14" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="237.179" y="254.568">Note that central is required for RUM.</tspan></text>
<text fill="#343741" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Inter" font-size="18" font-weight="bold" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="220.012" y="229.568">Where will you run APM Server?
<text fill="#343741" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Inter" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="352.353" y="147.591">no</tspan></text>
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<text fill="#343741" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Inter" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="137.407" y="64.5909">yes</tspan></text>
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<text fill="#343741" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Inter" font-size="14" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="272.947" y="62.5682">Elastic Cloud simplifies the </tspan><tspan x="254.224" y="79.5682">management and deployment of </tspan><tspan x="320.642" y="96.5682">Elastic APM.</tspan></text>
<text fill="#343741" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Inter" font-size="18" font-weight="bold" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="236.379" y="37.5682">Are you using Elastic Cloud?