
Introducing Elastic Cloud Enterprise

This page provides a high-level introduction to Elastic Cloud Enterprise (ECE).


Try one of the getting started guides to discover the core concepts of the Elastic Stack and understand how Elastic can help you.

What is ECE?

ECE evolves from the Elastic hosted Cloud SaaS offering into a standalone product. You can deploy ECE on public or private clouds, virtual machines, or your own premises.

Why ECE?

  • Host your regulated or sensitive data on your internal network.
  • Reuse your existing investment in on-premise infrastructure and reduce total cost.
  • Maximize the hardware utilization for the various clusters.
  • Centralize the management of multiple Elastic deployments across teams or geographies.

ECE features

  • All services are containerized through Docker.
  • High Availability through multiple Availability Zones.
  • Deployment state coordination using ZooKeeper.
  • Easy access for admins through the Cloud UI and API.
  • Support for off-line installations.
  • Automated restore and snapshot.

Check the glossary to get familiar with the terminology for ECE as well as other Elastic products and solutions.