
RUM source map API


This endpoint is only compatible with the APM integration for Elastic Agent.

A source map allows minified files to be mapped back to original source code — allowing you to maintain the speed advantage of minified code, without losing the ability to quickly and easily debug your application.

For best results, uploading source maps should become a part of your deployment procedure, and not something you only do when you see unhelpful errors. That’s because uploading source maps after errors happen won’t make old errors magically readable — errors must occur again for source mapping to occur.

The following APIs are available:

Kibana's maximum payload size is 1mb. If you attempt to upload a source map that exceeds the max payload size, you will get a 413 error.

Before uploading source maps that exceed this default, change the maximum payload size allowed by Kibana with the server.maxPayload variable.

Create or update source map

Create or update a source map for a specific service and version.


The user accessing this endpoint requires All Kibana privileges for the APM and User Experience feature. For more information, see Kibana privileges.


POST /api/apm/sourcemaps

Request body

(required, string) The name of the service that the service map should apply to.
(required, string) The version of the service that the service map should apply to.
(required, string) The absolute path of the final bundle as used in the web application.
(required, string or file upload) The source map. It must follow the source map revision 3 proposal.


The following example uploads a source map for a service named foo and a service version of 1.0.0:

curl -X POST "http://localhost:5601/api/apm/sourcemaps" \
-H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
-H 'kbn-xsrf: true' \
-H 'Authorization: ApiKey ${YOUR_API_KEY}' \
-F 'service_name="foo"' \
-F 'service_version="1.0.0"' \
-F 'bundle_filepath="/test/e2e/general-usecase/bundle.js"' \
-F 'sourcemap="{\"version\":3,\"file\":\"static/js/main.chunk.js\",\"sources\":[\"fleet-source-map-client/src/index.css\",\"fleet-source-map-client/src/App.js\",\"webpack:///./src/index.css?bb0a\",\"fleet-source-map-client/src/index.js\",\"fleet-source-map-client/src/reportWebVitals.js\"],\"sourcesContent\":[\"content\"],\"mappings\":\"mapping\",\"sourceRoot\":\"\"}"' 1
  1. Alternatively, upload the source map as a file with -F 'sourcemap=@path/to/source_map/bundle.js.map'

Response body

  "type": "sourcemap",
  "identifier": "foo-1.0.0",
  "relative_url": "/api/fleet/artifacts/foo-1.0.0/644fd5a997d1ddd90ee131ba18e2b3d03931d89dd1fe4599143c0b3264b3e456",
  "body": "eJyFkL1OwzAUhd/Fc+MbYMuCEBIbHRjKgBgc96R16tiWr1OQqr47NwqJxEK3q/PzWccXxchnZ7E1A1SjuhjVZtF2yOxiEPlO17oWox3D3uPFeSRTjmJQARfCPeiAgGx8NTKsYdAc1T3rwaSJGcds8Sp3c1HnhfywUZ3QhMTFFGepZxqMC9oex3CS9tpk1XyozgOlmoVKuJX1DqEQZ0su7PGtLU+V/3JPKc3cL7TJ2FNDRPov4bFta3MDM4f7W69lpJjLO9qdK8bzVPhcJz3HUCQ4LbO/p5hCSC4cZPByrp/wFqOklbpefwAhzpqI",
  "created": "2021-07-09T20:47:44.812Z",
  "id": "apm:foo-1.0.0-644fd5a997d1ddd90ee131ba18e2b3d03931d89dd1fe4599143c0b3264b3e456",
  "compressionAlgorithm": "zlib",
  "decodedSha256": "644fd5a997d1ddd90ee131ba18e2b3d03931d89dd1fe4599143c0b3264b3e456",
  "decodedSize": 441,
  "encodedSha256": "024c72749c3e3dd411b103f7040ae62633558608f480bce4b108cf5b2275bd24",
  "encodedSize": 237,
  "encryptionAlgorithm": "none",
  "packageName": "apm"

Returns an array of Fleet artifacts, including source map uploads.

The user accessing this endpoint requires Read or All Kibana privileges for the APM and User Experience feature. For more information, see Kibana privileges.

GET /api/apm/sourcemaps

The following example requests all uploaded source maps:

curl -X GET "http://localhost:5601/api/apm/sourcemaps" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'kbn-xsrf: true' \
-H 'Authorization: ApiKey ${YOUR_API_KEY}'
  "artifacts": [
      "type": "sourcemap",
      "identifier": "foo-1.0.0",
      "relative_url": "/api/fleet/artifacts/foo-1.0.0/644fd5a997d1ddd90ee131ba18e2b3d03931d89dd1fe4599143c0b3264b3e456",
      "body": {
        "serviceName": "foo",
        "serviceVersion": "1.0.0",
        "bundleFilepath": "/test/e2e/general-usecase/bundle.js",
        "sourceMap": {
          "version": 3,
          "file": "static/js/main.chunk.js",
          "sources": [
          "sourcesContent": [
          "mappings": "mapping",
          "sourceRoot": ""
      "created": "2021-07-09T20:47:44.812Z",
      "id": "apm:foo-1.0.0-644fd5a997d1ddd90ee131ba18e2b3d03931d89dd1fe4599143c0b3264b3e456",
      "compressionAlgorithm": "zlib",
      "decodedSha256": "644fd5a997d1ddd90ee131ba18e2b3d03931d89dd1fe4599143c0b3264b3e456",
      "decodedSize": 441,
      "encodedSha256": "024c72749c3e3dd411b103f7040ae62633558608f480bce4b108cf5b2275bd24",
      "encodedSize": 237,
      "encryptionAlgorithm": "none",
      "packageName": "apm"

Delete a previously uploaded source map.

The user accessing this endpoint requires All Kibana privileges for the APM and User Experience feature. For more information, see Kibana privileges.

DELETE /api/apm/sourcemaps/:id

The following example deletes a source map with an id of apm:foo-1.0.0-644fd5a9:

curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:5601/api/apm/sourcemaps/apm:foo-1.0.0-644fd5a9" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'kbn-xsrf: true' \
-H 'Authorization: ApiKey ${YOUR_API_KEY}'