
Elasticsearch Add-On for Heroku AWS default provider instance configurations

Following are the preferred instance types / machine configurations, storage types, disk to memory ratios, and virtual CPU to RAM ratios for all instance configurations available on Elasticsearch Service and provided by AWS.

Instance configuration Preferred Instance Type or Machine Configuration1 Storage Type1 Disk:Memory Ratio2 vCPU/RAM Ratio
aws.es.datahot.i3 i3 NVMe 30:1 0.138
aws.es.datahot.i3en i3en NVMe 80:1 0.133
aws.es.datahot.m5d m5d NVMe 10:1 0.267
aws.es.datahot.m6gd m6gd NVMe 15:1 0.267
aws.es.datahot.c5d c5d NVMe 12:1 0.529
aws.es.datahot.c6gd c6gd NVMe 30:1 0.533
aws.es.datahot.r6gd r6gd NVMe 6:1 0.133
aws.es.datawarm.d2 d2 HDD 160:1 0.138
aws.es.datawarm.d3 d3 HDD 190:1 0.133
aws.es.datawarm.i3en i3en NVMe 80:1 0.133
aws.es.datacold.d2 d2 HDD 160:1 0.138
aws.es.datacold.d3 d3 HDD 190:1 0.133
aws.es.datacold.i3en i3en NVMe 80:1 0.133
aws.es.datafrozen.i3en i3en NVMe 75:1 0.133

Following are the preferred instance type / configuration and virtual CPU to RAM ratios for additional instance configurations available on Elasticsearch Service and provided by AWS.

Instance configuration Preferred Instance Type or Machine Configuration1 vCPU/RAM Ratio
aws.es.master.c5d c5d 0.529
aws.es.master.c6gd c6gd 0.533
aws.es.ml.c5d c5d 0.529
aws.es.ml.m5d m5d 0.267
aws.es.ml.m6gd m6gd 0.267
aws.es.coordinating.m5d m5d 0.267
aws.es.coordinating.m6gd m6gd 0.267
aws.kibana.c5d c5d 0.529
aws.kibana.c6gd c6gd 0.533
aws.apm.c5d c5d 0.529
aws.integrationsserver.c5d c5d 0.529
aws.enterprisesearch.c5d c5d 0.529

1 Preferred instance and storage types are subject to provider availability. To learn more about our provider instances, check the AWS reference page.

2 Ratios are estimations.

The following table contains the complete list of instances available in Elastic Cloud deployments per AWS region:

Regions Instances
C5d C6gd C5n M5dn D2 D3 I3 I3en M5d M6gd R6gd
Africa (Cape Town)
Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)
Asia Pacific (Mumbai)
Asia Pacific (Singapore)
Asia Pacific (Seoul)
Asia Pacific (Sydney)
Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
Canada (Central)
Europe (Frankfurt)
Europe (Zurich)
Europe (Ireland)
Europe (London)
Europe (Milan)
Europe (Paris)
Europe (Stockholm)
Middle East (Bahrain)
South America (São Paulo)
US East (N. Virginia)
US East (Ohio)
US West (N. California)
US West (Oregon)
US East GovCloud (N. Virginia)