
Accessing services

To provide access to Elasticsearch, Kibana, and other Elastic Stack applications when applicable, ECK relies on Kubernetes services.

All Elastic Stack resources deployed by the ECK operator are secured by default. The operator sets up basic authentication and TLS to encrypt network traffic to, from, and within your Elasticsearch cluster.

This section explains how to access and customize the Kubernetes services and secrets created by ECK, covering topics such as:

For advanced use cases related to exposing and accessing orchestrated applications, see:

To access Elastic resources, the operator manages a default user named elastic with the superuser role. Its password is stored in a Secret named <name>-elastic-user.

Run the following command to obtain the password of the elastic user:

> kubectl get secret hulk-es-elastic-user -o go-template='{{.data.elastic | base64decode }}'

Beware of copying this Secret as-is into a different namespace. Check Common Problems: Owner References for more information.

For more information about handling built-in users on ECK deployments, refer to Built-in users.

You can access Elastic resources by using native Kubernetes services that are not reachable from the public Internet by default.

For each resource, the operator manages a Kubernetes service named <name>-[es|kb|apm|ent|agent]-http, which is of type ClusterIP by default. ClusterIP exposes the service on a cluster-internal IP and makes the service only reachable within the cluster.

> kubectl get svc

NAME                TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)          AGE
hulk-apm-http       ClusterIP   <none>           8200/TCP   1m
hulk-es-http        ClusterIP   <none>           9200/TCP   1m
hulk-kb-http        ClusterIP   <none>           5601/TCP   1m

You can expose services in different ways by specifying an http.service.spec.type in the spec of the resource manifest. On cloud providers which support external load balancers, you can set the type field to LoadBalancer to provision a load balancer for the Service, and populate the column EXTERNAL-IP after a short delay. Depending on the cloud provider, it may incur costs.

By default, the Elasticsearch service created by ECK is configured to route traffic to all Elasticsearch nodes in the cluster. Depending on your cluster configuration, you may want more control over the set of nodes that handle different types of traffic (query, ingest, and so on). Refer to Requests routing to Elasticsearch nodes for more information.


When you change the clusterIP setting of the service, ECK will delete and re-create the service as clusterIP is an immutable field. Depending on your client implementation, this might result in a short disruption until the service DNS entries refresh to point to the new endpoints.

apiVersion: <kind>.k8s.elastic.co/v1
kind: <Kind>
  name: hulk
  version: 8.16.1
        type: LoadBalancer
> kubectl get svc

NAME                TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)          AGE
hulk-apm-http       LoadBalancer   8200:31000/TCP   1m
hulk-es-http        LoadBalancer   9200:31320/TCP   1m
hulk-kb-http        LoadBalancer   5601:31380/TCP   1m

You can access the Elasticsearch endpoint within or outside the Kubernetes cluster.

Within the Kubernetes cluster

  1. Retrieve the CA certificate.
  2. Retrieve the password of the elastic user.
  3. Use the service name to access the endpoint.

kubectl get secret "$NAME-es-http-certs-public" -o go-template='{{index .data "tls.crt" | base64decode }}' > tls.crt
PW=$(kubectl get secret "$NAME-es-elastic-user" -o go-template='{{.data.elastic | base64decode }}')

curl --cacert tls.crt -u elastic:$PW https://$NAME-es-http:9200/

You can also use the examples in this section to access Kibana instead of Elasticsearch by adapting the secret and service names.

Outside the Kubernetes cluster

  1. Retrieve the CA certificate.
  2. Retrieve the password of the elastic user.
  3. Retrieve the IP of the LoadBalancer service.

kubectl get secret "$NAME-es-http-certs-public" -o go-template='{{index .data "tls.crt" | base64decode }}' > tls.crt
IP=$(kubectl get svc "$NAME-es-http" -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[].ip}')
PW=$(kubectl get secret "$NAME-es-elastic-user" -o go-template='{{.data.elastic | base64decode }}')

curl --cacert tls.crt -u elastic:$PW https://$IP:9200/