
Google Cloud Platform Marketplace

Subscribe to Elasticsearch Service directly from the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). You then have the convenience of viewing your Elasticsearch Service subscription as part of your GCP bill, and you do not have to supply any additional credit card information to Elastic.

Some differences exist when you subscribe to Elasticsearch Service through the GCP Marketplace:

  • There is no trial period. Billing starts when you subscribe to Elasticsearch Service.
  • Existing Elasticsearch Service organizations cannot be converted to use the GCP Marketplace.
  • Pricing for an Elasticsearch Service subscription through the GCP Marketplace follows the pricing outlined on the Elasticsearch Service on Elastic Cloud page in the GCP Marketplace. Pricing is based the Elastic Cloud Billing Dimensions.
  • To access your billing information at any time go to Account & Billing. You can also go to Account & Billing and then Usage to view your usage hours and units per hour.

Only one Elasticsearch Service organization can be subscribed through GCP Marketplace per GCP billing account.

To subscribe to Elasticsearch Service through the GCP Marketplace:

  1. Log in to your Google Cloud Platform account.

  2. Go to the Elastic Cloud (Elasticsearch Service) page in the GCP Marketplace.

  3. On the Elastic Cloud page select Subscribe, where you will be directed to another page. There is only one plan—the Elastic plan—and it’s pre-selected. The billing account you are logged into will be pre-selected for this purchase, though you can change it at this time.

  4. Accept the terms of service (TOS) and select Subscribe.

  5. When you are presented with a pop-up that specifies that "Your order request has been sent to Elastic" choose Sign up with Elastic to continue.

  6. After choosing to sign up, a new window will appear. Do one of the following:

    • Create a new, unique user account for an Elasticsearch Service Elastic Cloud organization.
    • Log in with an existing user account that’s associated with an Elastic Cloud trial. This links the billing account used for the purchase on GCP Marketplace to the existing Elastic organization.
  7. After signing up, check your inbox to verify the email address you signed up with. Upon verification, you will be asked to create a password, and once created your organization will be set up and you will be logged into it.


    Immediately after your first login to Elastic Cloud you may briefly see a banner on the Elastic Cloud user console saying that your account is disconnected. There is sometimes a short delay in activation, but refreshing the page is generally enough time to allow its completion. If this issue persists, please contact support.

    You are ready to create your first deployment.

If you have existing deployments that you want to migrate to your new marketplace account, we recommend using a custom repository to take a snapshot. Then restore that snapshot to a new deployment in your new marketplace account. Check Snapshot and restore with custom repositories for details.


Your new account is automatically subscribed to the Enterprise subscription level. You can change your subscription level.


To prevent downtime, do not remove the currently used billing account before the switch to the new billing account has been confirmed by Elastic.

Elasticsearch Service subscriptions through GCP Marketplace are associated with a GCP billing account. In order to change the billing account associated with an Elasticsearch Service organization:

  • for customers under a Private Offer contract: please reach out to Elastic support and provide the GCP Billing Account, as well as the contact of any reseller information for approval.
  • for pay-as-you-go customers: you need to have purchased and subscribed to Elastic Cloud on the new billing account using the details above—but do not create a new Elastic user or organization (that is, you can skip Steps 5 and 6 in the subscription instructions, above). Once you successfully subscribed with the new billing account, you can contact Elastic support and provide the new billing account ID you wish to move to, which you can find from GCP’s billing page. The ID is in the format 000000-000000-000000.

If you cancel your Elasticsearch Service order on GCP through the marketplace orders page before the switch to the new billing account has been done, any running deployments will immediately enter a degraded state known as maintenance mode and they will be scheduled for termination in five days.

If you already unsubscribed before the new billing account has been set up, you can subscribe again from the previously used billing account, which will cancel the termination and restore the deployments to a functional state.

You can ingest data from Google Pub/Sub to the Elastic Stack very easily from the Google Cloud Console. You can use the Metricbeat Google Cloud Platform module or the GCP Dataflow Templates.