Kibana offers many ways to build powerful dashboards that will help you visualize and keep track of the most important information contained in your Elasticsearch data.
- Create and assemble visualizations such as charts or maps, and enrich them with helpful legends containing key data.
- Extract and show key indicators and metrics to keep them visible and highlighted at all times.
- Add text, images, and links to help viewers make the most of your dashboard.
- Include additional controls to facilitate filtering and browsing the data.
To create or edit dashboards, you first need to:
- have data indexed into Elasticsearch and a data view. A data view is a subset of your Elasticsearch data, and allows you to load just the right data when building a visualization or exploring it. ::::{tip}
If you don’t have data at hand and still want to explore dashboards, you can import one of the sample data sets available.
:::: - have sufficient permissions on the Dashboard feature. If that’s not the case, you might get a read-only indicator. A Kibana administrator can grant you the required privileges.