Explore mobile sessions with Discover

Elastic Mobile APM provides session tracking by attaching a session.id, a guid, to every span and event. This allows for the recall of the activities of a specific user during a specific period of time. The best way recall these data points is using Discover. This guide will explain how to do that.

Viewing sessions with Discover ¶

The first step is to find the relevant session.id. In this example, we’ll walk through investigating a crash. Since all events and spans have session.id attributes, a crash is no different.

The steps to follow are:

  • copy the session.id from the relevant document.
  • Open the Discover page.
  • Select the appropriate data view (use APM to search all data streams)
  • set filter to the copied session.id

Here we can see the session.id guid in the metadata viewer in the error detail view:

Example of session.id in error details

Copy this value and open the Discover page:

Example view of navigation to Discover

set the data view. APM selected in the example:

Example view of Explorer selecting APM data view

filter using the session.id: session.id: "<copied session id guid>":

Filter Explor using session.id

explore all the documents associated with that session id including crashes, lifecycle events, network requests, errors, and other custom events!