Reader role

For users who need to view and create visualizations that access Synthetics data, provide read access. Two types of read access are outlined below:

  • General read access: For most users, you can use General read access, which grants read access to all Kibana apps and requires little configuration.
  • Limited read access: If you want to limit read access to the Synthetics app only, you can use Limited read access, which requires additional configuration.

General read access ¶

For users who only need to view results in Kibana, use the viewer built-in role.

Limited read access ¶

If you want to limit read access to the Synthetics app only, do not use the viewer built-in role.

Instead to you can create a reader role, called something like synthetics_reader_limited, and grant the following privileges:

Type Privilege Purpose
Index synthetics-*: read Read-only access to synthetics indices.
Index .alerts-observability.uptime.alerts-*: read Read-only access to synthetics alert indices.
Kibana Synthetics and Uptime: All Access to the Synthetics app in Kibana.