Canvas function reference

Behind the scenes, Canvas is driven by a powerful expression language, with dozens of functions and other capabilities, including table transforms, type casting, and sub-expressions.

The Canvas expression language also supports TinyMath functions, which perform complex math calculations.

A ***** denotes a required argument.

A † denotes an argument can be passed multiple times.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

A ¶

all ¶

Returns true if all of the conditions are met. See also any.

Expression syntax

			all {neq "foo"} {neq "bar"} {neq "fizz"}
all condition={gt 10} condition={lt 20}


Code example

| selectFilter
| demodata
| math "mean(percent_uptime)"
| formatnumber "0.0%"
| metric "Average uptime"
    font size=48 family="'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"
        if {all {gte 0} {lt 0.8}} then="red" else="green"
      align="center" lHeight=48
| render


This sets the color of the metric text to "red" if the context passed into metric is greater than or equal to 0 and less than 0.8. Otherwise, the color is set to "green".

Accepts: null

Argument Type Description
Unnamed ***** †
Alias: condition
boolean The conditions to check.

Returns: boolean

alterColumn ¶

Converts between core types, including string, number, null, boolean, and date, and renames columns. See also mapColumn, mathColumn, and staticColumn.

Expression syntax

			alterColumn "cost" type="string"
alterColumn column="@timestamp" name="foo"


Code example

| selectFilter
| demodata
| alterColumn "time" name="time_in_ms" type="number"
| table
| render


This renames the time column to time_in_ms and converts the type of the column’s values from date to number.

Accepts: datatable

Argument Type Description
Unnamed *****
Alias: column
string The name of the column to alter.
name string The resultant column name. Leave blank to not rename.
type string The type to convert the column to. Leave blank to not change the type.

Returns: datatable

any ¶

Returns true if at least one of the conditions is met. See also all.

Expression syntax

			any {eq "foo"} {eq "bar"} {eq "fizz"}
any condition={lte 10} condition={gt 30}


Code example

| selectFilter
| demodata
| filterrows {
    getCell "project" | any {eq "elasticsearch"} {eq "kibana"} {eq "x-pack"}
| pointseries color="project" size="max(price)"
| pie
| render


This filters out any rows that don’t contain "elasticsearch", "kibana" or "x-pack" in the project field.

Accepts: null

Argument Type Description
Unnamed ***** †
Alias: condition
boolean The conditions to check.

Returns: boolean

as ¶

Creates a datatable with a single value. See also getCell.

Expression syntax

as "foo"
as name="bar"


Code example

| selectFilter
| demodata
| ply by="project" fn={math "count(username)" | as "num_users"} fn={math "mean(price)" | as "price"}
| pointseries x="project" y="num_users" size="price" color="project"
| plot
| render


as casts any primitive value (string, number, date, null) into a datatable with a single row and a single column with the given name (or defaults to "value" if no name is provided). This is useful when piping a primitive value into a function that only takes datatable as an input.

In the example, ply expects each fn subexpression to return a datatable in order to merge the results of each fn back into a datatable, but using a math aggregation in the subexpressions returns a single math value, which is then cast into a datatable using as.

Accepts: string, boolean, number, null

Argument Type Description
Alias: name
string The name to give the column.
Default: "value"

Returns: datatable

asset ¶

Retrieves Canvas workpad asset objects to provide as argument values. Usually images.

Expression syntax

			asset "asset-52f14f2b-fee6-4072-92e8-cd2642665d02"
asset id="asset-498f7429-4d56-42a2-a7e4-8bf08d98d114"


Code example

			image dataurl={asset "asset-c661a7cc-11be-45a1-a401-d7592ea7917a"} mode="contain"
| render


The image asset stored with the ID "asset-c661a7cc-11be-45a1-a401-d7592ea7917a" is passed into the dataurl argument of the image function to display the stored asset.

Accepts: null

Argument Type Description
Unnamed *****
Alias: id
string The ID of the asset to retrieve.

Returns: string

axisConfig ¶

Configures the axis of a visualization. Only used with plot.

Expression syntax

			axisConfig show=false
axisConfig position="right" min=0 max=10 tickSize=1


Code example

| selectFilter
| demodata
| pointseries x="size(cost)" y="project" color="project"
| plot defaultStyle={seriesStyle bars=0.75 horizontalBars=true}
  xaxis={axisConfig position="top" min=0 max=400 tickSize=100}
  yaxis={axisConfig position="right"}
| render


This sets the x-axis to display on the top of the chart and sets the range of values to 0-400 with ticks displayed at 100 intervals. The y-axis is configured to display on the right.

Accepts: null

Argument Type Description
max number, string, null The maximum value displayed in the axis. Must be a number, a date in milliseconds since epoch, or an ISO8601 string.
min number, string, null The minimum value displayed in the axis. Must be a number, a date in milliseconds since epoch, or an ISO8601 string.
position string The position of the axis labels. For example, "top", "bottom", "left", or "right".
Default: "left"
show boolean Show the axis labels?
Default: true
tickSize number, null The increment size between each tick. Use for number axes only.

Returns: axisConfig

C ¶

case ¶

Builds a case, including a condition and a result, to pass to the switch function.

Expression syntax

			case 0 then="red"
case when=5 then="yellow"
case if={lte 50} then="green"


Code example

			math "random()"
| progress shape="gauge" label={formatnumber "0%"}
    font size=24 family="'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" align="center"
        switch {case if={lte 0.5} then="green"}
          {case if={all {gt 0.5} {lte 0.75}} then="orange"}
    switch {case if={lte 0.5} then="green"}
      {case if={all {gt 0.5} {lte 0.75}} then="orange"}
| render


This sets the color of the progress indicator and the color of the label to "green" if the value is less than or equal to 0.5, "orange" if the value is greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 0.75, and "red" if none of the case conditions are met.

Accepts: any

Argument Type Description
Alias: when
any The value compared to the context to see if they are equal. The when argument is ignored when the if argument is also specified.
if boolean This value indicates whether the condition is met. The if argument overrides the when argument when both are provided.
then ***** any The value returned if the condition is met.

Returns: case

clear ¶

Clears the context, and returns null.

Accepts: null

Returns: null

clog ¶

Outputs the input in the console. This function is for debug purposes

Expression syntax



Code example

| demodata
| clog
| filterrows fn={getCell "age" | gt 70}
| clog
| pointseries x="time" y="mean(price)"
| plot defaultStyle={seriesStyle lines=1 fill=1}
| render


This prints the datatable objects in the browser console before and after the filterrows function.

Accepts: any

Returns: Depends on your input and arguments

columns ¶

Includes or excludes columns from a datatable. When both arguments are specified, the excluded columns will be removed first.

Expression syntax

			columns include="@timestamp, projects, cost"
columns exclude="username, country, age"


Code example

| selectFilter
| demodata
| columns include="price, cost, state, project"
| table
| render


This only keeps the price, cost, state, and project columns from the demodata data source and removes all other columns.

Accepts: datatable

Argument Type Description
Alias: include
string A comma-separated list of column names to keep in the datatable.
exclude string A comma-separated list of column names to remove from the datatable.

Returns: datatable

compare ¶

Compares the context to specified value to determine true or false. Usually used in combination with <<if_fn>> or case. This only works with primitive types, such as number, string, boolean, null. See also eq, gt, gte, lt, lte, neq

Expression syntax

			compare "neq" to="elasticsearch"
compare op="lte" to=100


Code example

| selectFilter
| demodata
| mapColumn project
  fn={getCell project |
      {case if={compare eq to=kibana} then=kibana}
      {case if={compare eq to=elasticsearch} then=elasticsearch}
| pointseries size="size(cost)" color="project"
| pie
| render


This maps all project values that aren’t "kibana" and "elasticsearch" to "other". Alternatively, you can use the individual comparator functions instead of compare.

Accepts: string, number, boolean, null

Argument Type Description
Alias: op
string The operator to use in the comparison: "eq" (equal to), "gt" (greater than), "gte" (greater than or equal to), "lt" (less than), "lte" (less than or equal to), "ne" or "neq" (not equal to).
Default: "eq"
Aliases: b, this
any The value compared to the context.

Returns: boolean

containerStyle ¶

Creates an object used for styling an element’s container, including background, border, and opacity.

Expression syntax

			containerStyle backgroundColor="red"’
containerStyle borderRadius="50px"
containerStyle border="1px solid black"
containerStyle padding="5px"
containerStyle opacity="0.5"
containerStyle overflow="hidden"
containerStyle backgroundImage={asset id=asset-f40d2292-cf9e-4f2c-8c6f-a504a25e949c}


Code example

			shape "star" fill="#E61D35" maintainAspect=true
| render containerStyle={
    containerStyle backgroundColor="#F8D546"
      border="4px solid #05509F"


Accepts: null

Argument Type Description
backgroundColor string A valid CSS background color.
backgroundImage string A valid CSS background image.
backgroundRepeat string A valid CSS background repeat.
Default: "no-repeat"
backgroundSize string A valid CSS background size.
Default: "contain"
border string A valid CSS border.
borderRadius string The number of pixels to use when rounding the corners.
opacity number A number between 0 and 1 that represents the degree of transparency of the element.
overflow string A valid CSS overflow.
Default: "hidden"
padding string The distance of the content, in pixels, from the border.

Returns: containerStyle

context ¶

Returns whatever you pass into it. This can be useful when you need to use context as argument to a function as a sub-expression.

Expression syntax



Code example

| formatdate "LLLL"
| markdown "Last updated: " {context}
| render


Using the context function allows us to pass the output, or context, of the previous function as a value to an argument in the next function. Here we get the formatted date string from the previous function and pass it as content for the markdown element.

Accepts: any

Returns: Depends on your input and arguments

createTable ¶

Creates a datatable with a list of columns, and 1 or more empty rows. To populate the rows, use mapColumn or mathColumn.

Expression syntax

			createTable id="a" id="b"
createTable id="a" name="A" id="b" name="B" rowCount=5


Code example

name="logs" value={essql "select count(*) as a from kibana_sample_data_logs"}
name="commerce" value={essql "select count(*) as b from kibana_sample_data_ecommerce"}
| createTable ids="totalA" ids="totalB"
| staticColumn name="totalA" value={var "logs" | getCell "a"}
| alterColumn column="totalA" type="number"
| staticColumn name="totalB" value={var "commerce" | getCell "b"}
| alterColumn column="totalB" type="number"
| mathColumn id="percent" name="percent" expression="totalA / totalB"
| render


This creates a table based on the results of two essql queries, joined into one table.

Accepts: null

Argument Type Description
ids † string Column ids to generate in positional order. ID represents the key in the row.
names † string Column names to generate in positional order. Names are not required to be unique, and default to the ID if not provided.
rowCount number The number of empty rows to add to the table, to be assigned a value later
Default: 1

Returns: datatable

csv ¶

Creates a datatable from CSV input.

Expression syntax

			csv "fruit, stock
  kiwi, 10
  Banana, 5"


Code example

			csv "fruit,stock
| pointseries color=fruit size=stock
| pie
| render


This creates a datatable with fruit and stock columns with two rows. This is useful for quickly mocking data.

Accepts: null

Argument Type Description
Unnamed *****
Alias: data
string The CSV data to use.
delimiter string The data separation character.
newline string The row separation character.

Returns: datatable

D ¶

date ¶

Returns the current time, or a time parsed from a specified string, as milliseconds since epoch.

Expression syntax

date value=1558735195
date "2019-05-24T21:59:55+0000"
date "01/31/2019" format="MM/DD/YYYY"


Code example

| formatdate "LLL"
| markdown {context}
  font={font family="Arial, sans-serif" size=30 align="left"
| render


Using date without passing any arguments will return the current date and time.

Accepts: null

Argument Type Description
Alias: value
string An optional date string that is parsed into milliseconds since epoch. The date string can be either a valid JavaScript Date input or a string to parse using the format argument. Must be an ISO8601 string, or you must provide the format.
format string The MomentJS format used to parse the specified date string. For more information, see

Returns: number

demodata ¶

A sample data set that includes project CI times with usernames, countries, and run phases.

Expression syntax

demodata "ci"
demodata type="shirts"


Code example

| selectFilter
| demodata
| table
| render


demodata is a mock data set that you can use to start playing around in Canvas.

Accepts: filter

Argument Type Description
Alias: type
string The name of the demo data set to use.
Default: "ci"

Returns: datatable

do ¶

Executes multiple sub-expressions, then returns the original context. Use for running functions that produce an action or a side effect without changing the original context.

Accepts: any

Argument Type Description
Unnamed †
Aliases: exp, expression, fn, function
any The sub-expressions to execute. The return values of these sub-expressions are not available in the root pipeline as this function simply returns the original context.

Returns: Depends on your input and arguments

Configures a dropdown filter control element.

Expression syntax

			dropdownControl valueColumn=project filterColumn=project
dropdownControl valueColumn=agent filterColumn=agent.keyword filterGroup=group1


Code example

| dropdownControl valueColumn=project filterColumn=project
| render


This creates a dropdown filter element. It requires a data source and uses the unique values from the given valueColumn (i.e. project) and applies the filter to the project column. Note: filterColumn should point to a keyword type field for Elasticsearch data sources.

Accepts: datatable

Argument Type Description
filterColumn ***** string The column or field that you want to filter.
filterGroup string The group name for the filter.
labelColumn string The column or field to use as the label in the dropdown control
valueColumn ***** string The column or field from which to extract the unique values for the dropdown control.

Returns: render

E ¶

embeddable ¶

Returns an embeddable with the provided configuration

Accepts: filter

Argument Type Description
Unnamed *****
Alias: config
string The base64 encoded embeddable input object
type ***** string The embeddable type

Returns: embeddable

eq ¶

Returns whether the context is equal to the argument.

Expression syntax

			eq true
eq null
eq 10
eq "foo"


Code example

| selectFilter
| demodata
| mapColumn project
  fn={getCell project |
      {case if={eq kibana} then=kibana}
      {case if={eq elasticsearch} then=elasticsearch}
| pointseries size="size(cost)" color="project"
| pie
| render


This changes all values in the project column that don’t equal "kibana" or "elasticsearch" to "other".

Accepts: boolean, number, string, null

Argument Type Description
Unnamed *****
Alias: value
boolean, number, string, null The value compared to the context.

Returns: boolean

escount ¶

Query Elasticsearch for the number of hits matching the specified query.

Expression syntax

			escount index="logstash-*"
escount "currency:"EUR"" index="kibana_sample_data_ecommerce"
escount query="response:404" index="kibana_sample_data_logs"


Code example

| selectFilter
| escount "Cancelled:true" index="kibana_sample_data_flights"
| math "value"
| progress shape="semicircle"
  label={formatnumber 0,0}
  font={font size=24 family="'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color="#000000" align=center}
  max={filters | escount index="kibana_sample_data_flights"}
| render


The first escount expression retrieves the number of flights that were cancelled. The second escount expression retrieves the total number of flights.

Accepts: filter

Argument Type Description
Aliases: q, query
string A Lucene query string.
Default: "-_index:.kibana"
Alias: dataView
string An index or data view. For example, "logstash-*".
Default: "_all"

Returns: number

esdocs ¶

Query Elasticsearch for raw documents. Specify the fields you want to retrieve, especially if you are asking for a lot of rows.

Expression syntax

			esdocs index="logstash-*"
esdocs "currency:"EUR"" index="kibana_sample_data_ecommerce"
esdocs query="response:404" index="kibana_sample_data_logs"
esdocs index="kibana_sample_data_flights" count=100
esdocs index="kibana_sample_data_flights" sort="AvgTicketPrice, asc"


Code example

| selectFilter
| esdocs index="kibana_sample_data_ecommerce"
  fields="customer_gender, taxful_total_price, order_date"
  sort="order_date, asc"
| mapColumn "order_date"
  fn={getCell "order_date" | date {context} | rounddate "YYYY-MM-DD"}
| alterColumn "order_date" type="date"
| pointseries x="order_date" y="sum(taxful_total_price)" color="customer_gender"
| plot defaultStyle={seriesStyle lines=3}
  palette={palette "#7ECAE3" "#003A4D" gradient=true}
| render


This retrieves the first 10000 documents data from the kibana_sample_data_ecommerce index sorted by order_date in ascending order, and only requests the customer_gender, taxful_total_price, and order_date fields.

Accepts: filter

Argument Type Description
Aliases: q, query
string A Lucene query string.
Default: "-_index:.kibana"
count number The number of documents to retrieve. For better performance, use a smaller data set.
Default: 1000
fields string A comma-separated list of fields. For better performance, use fewer fields.
Alias: dataView
string An index or data view. For example, "logstash-*".
Default: "_all"
metaFields string Comma separated list of meta fields. For example, "_index,_type".
sort string The sort direction formatted as "field, direction". For example, "@timestamp, desc" or "bytes, asc".

Returns: datatable

essql ¶

Queries Elasticsearch using Elasticsearch SQL.

Expression syntax

			essql query="SELECT * FROM "logstash*""
essql "SELECT * FROM "apm*"" count=10000


Code example

| selectFilter
| essql query="SELECT Carrier, FlightDelayMin, AvgTicketPrice FROM   "kibana_sample_data_flights""
| table
| render


This retrieves the Carrier, FlightDelayMin, and AvgTicketPrice fields from the "kibana_sample_data_flights" index.

Accepts: kibana_context, null

Argument Type Description
Aliases: q, query
string An Elasticsearch SQL query.
count number The number of documents to retrieve. For better performance, use a smaller data set.
Default: 1000
parameter †
Alias: param
string, number, boolean A parameter to be passed to the SQL query.
Alias: timeField
string The time field to use in the time range filter, which is set in the context.
Alias: tz
string The timezone to use for date operations. Valid ISO8601 formats and UTC offsets both work.
Default: "UTC"

Returns: datatable

exactly ¶

Creates a filter that matches a given column to an exact value.

Expression syntax

			exactly "state" value="running"
exactly "age" value=50 filterGroup="group2"
exactly column="project" value="beats"


Accepts: filter

Argument Type Description
column *****
Aliases: c, field
string The column or field that you want to filter.
filterGroup string The group name for the filter.
value *****
Aliases: v, val
string The value to match exactly, including white space and capitalization.

Returns: filter

F ¶

filterrows ¶

Filters rows in a datatable based on the return value of a sub-expression.

Expression syntax

			filterrows {getCell "project" | eq "kibana"}
filterrows fn={getCell "age" | gt 50}


Code example

| selectFilter
| demodata
| filterrows {getCell "country" | any {eq "IN"} {eq "US"} {eq "CN"}}
| mapColumn "@timestamp"
  fn={getCell "@timestamp" | rounddate "YYYY-MM"}
| alterColumn "@timestamp" type="date"
| pointseries x="@timestamp" y="mean(cost)" color="country"
| plot defaultStyle={seriesStyle points="2" lines="1"}
  palette={palette "#01A4A4" "#CC6666" "#D0D102" "#616161" "#00A1CB" "#32742C" "#F18D05" "#113F8C" "#61AE24" "#D70060" gradient=false}
| render


This uses filterrows to only keep data from India (IN), the United States (US), and China (CN).

Accepts: datatable

Argument Type Description
Unnamed *****
Aliases: exp, expression, fn, function
boolean An expression to pass into each row in the datatable. The expression should return a boolean. A true value preserves the row, and a false value removes it.

Returns: datatable

filters ¶

Aggregates element filters from the workpad for use elsewhere, usually a data source. filters is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use kibana | selectFilter instead.

Expression syntax

filters group="timefilter1"
filters group="timefilter2" group="dropdownfilter1" ungrouped=true


Code example

			filters group=group2 ungrouped=true
| demodata
| pointseries x="project" y="size(cost)" color="project"
| plot defaultStyle={seriesStyle bars=0.75} legend=false
    font size=14
    family="'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"
| render


filters sets the existing filters as context and accepts a group parameter to opt into specific filter groups. Setting ungrouped to true opts out of using global filters.

Accepts: null

Argument Type Description
Unnamed †
Alias: group
string The name of the filter group to use.
Aliases: nogroup, nogroups
boolean Exclude filters that belong to a filter group?
Default: false

Returns: filter

font ¶

Create a font style.

Expression syntax

			font size=12
font family=Arial
font align=middle
font color=pink
font weight=lighter
font underline=true
font italic=false
font lHeight=32


Code example

| selectFilter
| demodata
| pointseries x="project" y="size(cost)" color="project"
| plot defaultStyle={seriesStyle bars=0.75} legend=false
    font size=14
    family="'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"
| render


Accepts: null

Argument Type Description
align string The horizontal text alignment.
Default: ${ theme "font.align" default="left" }
color string The text color.
Default: ${ theme "font.color" }
family string An acceptable CSS web font string
Default: ${ theme "" default="'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" }
italic boolean Italicize the text?
Default: ${ theme "font.italic" default=false }
Alias: lineHeight
number, null The line height in pixels
Default: ${ theme "font.lHeight" }
size number The font size
Default: ${ theme "font.size" default=14 }
sizeUnit string The font size unit
Default: "px"
underline boolean Underline the text?
Default: ${ theme "font.underline" default=false }
weight string The font weight. For example, "normal", "bold", "bolder", "lighter", "100", "200", "300", "400", "500", "600", "700", "800", or "900".
Default: ${ theme "font.weight" default="normal" }

Returns: style

formatdate ¶

Formats an ISO8601 date string or a date in milliseconds since epoch using MomentJS. See

Expression syntax

			formatdate format="YYYY-MM-DD"
formatdate "MM/DD/YYYY"


Code example

| selectFilter
| demodata
| mapColumn "time" fn={getCell time | formatdate "MMM 'YY"}
| pointseries x="time" y="sum(price)" color="state"
| plot defaultStyle={seriesStyle points=5}
| render


This transforms the dates in the time field into strings that look like "Jan ‘19", "Feb ‘19", etc. using a MomentJS format.

Accepts: number, string

Argument Type Description
Unnamed *****
Alias: format
string A MomentJS format. For example, "MM/DD/YYYY". See

Returns: string

formatnumber ¶

Formats a number into a formatted number string using the Numeral pattern.

Expression syntax

			formatnumber format="$0,0.00"
formatnumber "0.0a"


Code example

| selectFilter
| demodata
| math "mean(percent_uptime)"
| progress shape="gauge"
  label={formatnumber "0%"}
  font={font size=24 family="'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color="#000000" align="center"}
| render


The formatnumber subexpression receives the same context as the progress function, which is the output of the math function. It formats the value into a percentage.

Accepts: number

Argument Type Description
Unnamed *****
Alias: format
string A Numeral pattern format string. For example, "0.0a" or "0%".

Returns: string

G ¶

getCell ¶

Fetches a single cell from a datatable.

Accepts: datatable

Argument Type Description
Aliases: c, column
string The name of the column to fetch the value from. If not provided, the value is retrieved from the first column.
Alias: r
number The row number, starting at 0.
Default: 0

Returns: Depends on your input and arguments

gt ¶

Returns whether the context is greater than the argument.

Accepts: number, string

Argument Type Description
Unnamed *****
Alias: value
number, string The value compared to the context.

Returns: boolean

gte ¶

Returns whether the context is greater or equal to the argument.

Accepts: number, string

Argument Type Description
Unnamed *****
Alias: value
number, string The value compared to the context.

Returns: boolean

H ¶

head ¶

Retrieves the first N rows from the datatable. See also tail.

Accepts: datatable

Argument Type Description
Alias: count
number The number of rows to retrieve from the beginning of the datatable.
Default: 1

Returns: datatable

I ¶

if ¶

Performs conditional logic.

Accepts: any

Argument Type Description
Unnamed *****
Alias: condition
boolean A true or false indicating whether a condition is met, usually returned by a sub-expression. When unspecified, the original context is returned.
else any The return value when the condition is false. When unspecified and the condition is not met, the original context is returned.
then any The return value when the condition is true. When unspecified and the condition is met, the original context is returned.

Returns: Depends on your input and arguments

image ¶

Displays an image. Provide an image asset as a base64 data URL, or pass in a sub-expression.

Accepts: null

Argument Type Description
Aliases: dataurl, url
string, null The HTTP(S) URL or base64 data URL of an image.
Default: null
mode string "contain" shows the entire image, scaled to fit. "cover" fills the container with the image, cropping from the sides or bottom as needed. "stretch" resizes the height and width of the image to 100% of the container.
Default: "contain"

Returns: image

J ¶

joinRows ¶

Concatenates values from rows in a datatable into a single string.

Accepts: datatable

Argument Type Description
Unnamed *****
Alias: column
string The column or field from which to extract the values.
distinct boolean Extract only unique values?
Default: true
quote string The quote character to wrap around each extracted value.
Default: "'"
Aliases: delimiter, sep
string The delimiter to insert between each extracted value.
Default: ","

Returns: string

K ¶

kibana ¶

Gets kibana global context

Accepts: kibana_context, null

Returns: kibana_context

L ¶

location ¶

Find your current location using the Geolocation API of the browser. Performance can vary, but is fairly accurate. See Don’t use location if you plan to generate PDFs as this function requires user input.

Accepts: null

Returns: datatable

lt ¶

Returns whether the context is less than the argument.

Accepts: number, string

Argument Type Description
Unnamed *****
Alias: value
number, string The value compared to the context.

Returns: boolean

lte ¶

Returns whether the context is less than or equal to the argument.

Accepts: number, string

Argument Type Description
Unnamed *****
Alias: value
number, string The value compared to the context.

Returns: boolean

M ¶

mapCenter ¶

Returns an object with the center coordinates and zoom level of the map.

Accepts: null

Argument Type Description
lat ***** number Latitude for the center of the map
lon ***** number Longitude for the center of the map
zoom ***** number Zoom level of the map

Returns: mapCenter

mapColumn ¶

Adds a column calculated as the result of other columns. Changes are made only when you provide arguments.See also alterColumn and staticColumn.

Accepts: datatable

Argument Type Description
Unnamed *****
Aliases: column, name
string The name of the resulting column. Names are not required to be unique.
copyMetaFrom string, null If set, the meta object from the specified column id is copied over to the specified target column. If the column doesn’t exist it silently fails.
Default: null
expression *****
Aliases: exp, fn, function
boolean, number, string, null An expression that is executed on every row, provided with a single-row datatable context and returning the cell value.
id string, null An optional id of the resulting column. When no id is provided, the id will be looked up from the existing column by the provided name argument. If no column with this name exists yet, a new column with this name and an identical id will be added to the table.
Default: null

Returns: datatable

markdown ¶

Adds an element that renders Markdown text. TIP: Use the markdown function for single numbers, metrics, and paragraphs of text.

Accepts: datatable, null

Argument Type Description
Unnamed †
Aliases: content, expression
string A string of text that contains Markdown. To concatenate, pass the string function multiple times.
Default: ""
font style The CSS font properties for the content. For example, "font-family" or "font-weight".
Default: ${font}
openLinksInNewTab boolean A true or false value for opening links in a new tab. The default value is false. Setting to true opens all links in a new tab.
Default: false

Returns: render

math ¶

Interprets a TinyMath math expression using a number or datatable as context. The datatable columns are available by their column name. If the context is a number it is available as value.

Accepts: number, datatable

Argument Type Description
Alias: expression
string An evaluated TinyMath expression. See
onError string In case the TinyMath evaluation fails or returns NaN, the return value is specified by onError. When 'throw', it will throw an exception, terminating expression execution (default).

Returns: Depends on your input and arguments

mathColumn ¶

Adds a column by evaluating TinyMath on each row. This function is optimized for math and performs better than using a math expression in mapColumn.

Accepts: datatable

Argument Type Description
Unnamed *****
Aliases: column, name
string The name of the resulting column. Names are not required to be unique.
Alias: expression
string An evaluated TinyMath expression. See
castColumns † string The column ids that are cast to numbers before the formula is applied.
copyMetaFrom string, null If set, the meta object from the specified column id is copied over to the specified target column. If the column doesn’t exist it silently fails.
Default: null
id ***** string id of the resulting column. Must be unique.
onError string In case the TinyMath evaluation fails or returns NaN, the return value is specified by onError. When 'throw', it will throw an exception, terminating expression execution (default).

Returns: datatable

metric ¶

Displays a number over a label.

Accepts: number, string, null

Argument Type Description
Aliases: description, label, text
string The text describing the metric.
Default: ""
labelFont style The CSS font properties for the label. For example, font-family or font-weight.
Default: ${font size=14 family="'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color="#000000" align=center}
metricFont style The CSS font properties for the metric. For example, font-family or font-weight.
Default: ${font size=48 family="'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color="#000000" align=center lHeight=48}
Alias: format
string A Numeral pattern format string. For example, "0.0a" or "0%".

Returns: render

N ¶

neq ¶

Returns whether the context is not equal to the argument.

Accepts: boolean, number, string, null

Argument Type Description
Unnamed *****
Alias: value
boolean, number, string, null The value compared to the context.

Returns: boolean

P ¶

palette ¶

Creates a color palette.

Accepts: null

Argument Type Description
Unnamed †
Alias: color
string The palette colors. Accepts an HTML color name, HEX, HSL, HSLA, RGB, or RGBA.
continuity string Default: "above"
gradient boolean Make a gradient palette where supported?
Default: false
range string Default: "percent"
rangeMax number
rangeMin number
reverse boolean Reverse the palette?
Default: false
stop † number The palette color stops. When used, it must be associated with each color.

Returns: palette

pie ¶

Configures a pie chart element.

Accepts: pointseries

Argument Type Description
font style The CSS font properties for the labels. For example, font-family or font-weight.
Default: ${font}
hole number Draws a hole in the pie, between 0 and 100, as a percentage of the pie radius.
Default: 0
labelRadius number The percentage of the container area to use as a radius for the label circle.
Default: 100
labels boolean Display the pie labels?
Default: true
legend string, boolean The legend position. For example, "nw", "sw", "ne", "se", or false. When false, the legend is hidden.
Default: false
palette palette A palette object for describing the colors to use in this pie chart.
Default: ${palette}
radius string, number The radius of the pie as a percentage, between 0 and 1, of the available space. To automatically set the radius, use "auto".
Default: "auto"
seriesStyle † seriesStyle A style of a specific series
tilt number The percentage of tilt where 1 is fully vertical, and 0 is completely flat.
Default: 1

Returns: render

plot ¶

Configures a chart element.

Accepts: pointseries

Argument Type Description
defaultStyle seriesStyle The default style to use for every series.
Default: ${seriesStyle points=5}
font style The CSS font properties for the labels. For example, font-family or font-weight.
Default: ${font}
legend string, boolean The legend position. For example, "nw", "sw", "ne", "se", or false. When false, the legend is hidden.
Default: "ne"
palette palette A palette object for describing the colors to use in this chart.
Default: ${palette}
seriesStyle † seriesStyle A style of a specific series
xaxis boolean, axisConfig The axis configuration. When false, the axis is hidden.
Default: true
yaxis boolean, axisConfig The axis configuration. When false, the axis is hidden.
Default: true

Returns: render

ply ¶

Subdivides a datatable by the unique values of the specified columns, and passes the resulting tables into an expression, then merges the outputs of each expression.

Accepts: datatable

Argument Type Description
by † string The column to subdivide the datatable.
expression †
Aliases: exp, fn, function
datatable An expression to pass each resulting datatable into. Tips: Expressions must return a datatable. Use as to turn literals into datatables. Multiple expressions must return the same number of rows.If you need to return a different row count, pipe into another instance of ply. If multiple expressions returns the columns with the same name, the last one wins.

Returns: datatable

pointseries ¶

Turn a datatable into a point series model. Currently we differentiate measure from dimensions by looking for a TinyMath expression. See If you enter a TinyMath expression in your argument, we treat that argument as a measure, otherwise it is a dimension. Dimensions are combined to create unique keys. Measures are then deduplicated by those keys using the specified TinyMath function

Accepts: datatable

Argument Type Description
color string An expression to use in determining the mark’s color.
size string The size of the marks. Only applicable to supported elements.
text string The text to show on the mark. Only applicable to supported elements.
x string The values along the X-axis.
y string The values along the Y-axis.

Returns: pointseries

progress ¶

Configures a progress element.

Accepts: number

Argument Type Description
Alias: shape
string Select "gauge", "horizontalBar", "horizontalPill", "semicircle", "unicorn", "verticalBar", "verticalPill", or "wheel".
Default: "gauge"
barColor string The color of the background bar.
Default: "#f0f0f0"
barWeight number The thickness of the background bar.
Default: 20
font style The CSS font properties for the label. For example, font-family or font-weight.
Default: ${font size=24 family="'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color="#000000" align=center}
label boolean, string To show or hide the label, use true or false. Alternatively, provide a string to display as a label.
Default: true
max number The maximum value of the progress element.
Default: 1
valueColor string The color of the progress bar.
Default: "#1785b0"
valueWeight number The thickness of the progress bar.
Default: 20

Returns: render

R ¶

removeFilter ¶

Removes filters from context

Accepts: kibana_context

Argument Type Description
Alias: group
string Removes only filters belonging to the provided group
from string Removes only filters owned by the provided id
Aliases: nogroup, nogroups
boolean Should filters without group be removed
Default: false

Returns: kibana_context

render ¶

Renders the context as a specific element and sets element level options, such as background and border styling.

Accepts: render

Argument Type Description
as string The element type to render. You probably want a specialized function instead, such as plot or shape.
containerStyle containerStyle The style for the container, including background, border, and opacity.
Default: ${containerStyle}
css string Any block of custom CSS to be scoped to the element.
Default: ".canvasRenderEl${}"

Returns: render

repeatImage ¶

Configures a repeating image element.

Accepts: number

Argument Type Description
emptyImage string, null Fills the difference between the context and max parameter for the element with this image. Provide an image asset as a base64 data URL, or pass in a sub-expression.
Default: null
image string, null The image to repeat. Provide an image asset as a base64 data URL, or pass in a sub-expression.
Default: null
max number, null The maximum number of times the image can repeat.
Default: 1000
size number The maximum height or width of the image, in pixels. When the image is taller than it is wide, this function limits the height.
Default: 100

Returns: render

replace ¶

Uses a regular expression to replace parts of a string.

Accepts: string

Argument Type Description
Aliases: pattern, regex
string The text or pattern of a JavaScript regular expression. For example, "[aeiou]". You can use capturing groups here.
Alias: modifiers
string Specify flags. See
Default: "g"
replacement string The replacement for the matching parts of string. Capturing groups can be accessed by their index. For example, "$1".
Default: ""

Returns: string

revealImage ¶

Configures an image reveal element.

Accepts: number

Argument Type Description
emptyImage string, null An optional background image to reveal over. Provide an image asset as a base64 data URL, or pass in a sub-expression.
Default: null
image string, null The image to reveal. Provide an image asset as a base64 data URL, or pass in a sub-expression.
Default: null
origin string The position to start the image fill. For example, "top", "bottom", "left", or right.
Default: "bottom"

Returns: render

rounddate ¶

Uses a MomentJS formatting string to round milliseconds since epoch, and returns milliseconds since epoch.

Accepts: number

Argument Type Description
Alias: format
string The MomentJS format to use for bucketing. For example, "YYYY-MM" rounds to months. See

Returns: number

rowCount ¶

Returns the number of rows. Pairs with ply to get the count of unique column values, or combinations of unique column values.

Accepts: datatable

Returns: number

S ¶

selectFilter ¶

Selects filters from context

Accepts: kibana_context

Argument Type Description
Unnamed †
Alias: group
string Select only filters belonging to the provided group
from string Select only filters owned by the provided id
Aliases: nogroup, nogroups
boolean Should filters without group be included
Default: false

Returns: kibana_context

seriesStyle ¶

Creates an object used for describing the properties of a series on a chart. Use seriesStyle inside of a charting function, like plot or pie.

Accepts: null

Argument Type Description
bars number The width of bars.
color string The line color.
fill number, boolean Should we fill in the points?
Default: false
horizontalBars boolean Sets the orientation of the bars in the chart to horizontal.
label string The name of the series to style.
lines number The width of the line.
points number The size of points on line.
stack number, null Specifies if the series should be stacked. The number is the stack ID. Series with the same stack ID are stacked together.

Returns: seriesStyle

shape ¶

Creates a shape.

Accepts: null

Argument Type Description
Alias: shape
string Pick a shape.
Default: "square"
Alias: stroke
string An SVG color for the border outlining the shape.
Alias: strokeWidth
number The thickness of the border.
Default: 0
fill string An SVG color to fill the shape.
Default: "black"
maintainAspect boolean Maintain the shape’s original aspect ratio?
Default: false

Returns: Depends on your input and arguments

sort ¶

Sorts a datatable by the specified column.

Accepts: datatable

Argument Type Description
Aliases: by, column
string The column to sort by. When unspecified, the datatable is sorted by the first column.
reverse boolean Reverses the sorting order. When unspecified, the datatable is sorted in ascending order.
Default: false

Returns: datatable

staticColumn ¶

Adds a column with the same static value in every row. See also alterColumn, mapColumn, and mathColumn

Accepts: datatable

Argument Type Description
Unnamed *****
Aliases: column, name
string The name of the new column.
value string, number, boolean, null The value to insert in each row in the new column. TIP: use a sub-expression to rollup other columns into a static value.
Default: null

Returns: datatable

string ¶

Concatenates all of the arguments into a single string.

Accepts: null

Argument Type Description
Unnamed †
Alias: value
string, number, boolean The values to join together into one string. Include spaces where needed.

Returns: string

switch ¶

Performs conditional logic with multiple conditions. See also case, which builds a case to pass to the switch function.

Accepts: any

Argument Type Description
Unnamed ***** †
Alias: case
case The conditions to check.
Alias: finally
any The value returned when no conditions are met. When unspecified and no conditions are met, the original context is returned.

Returns: Depends on your input and arguments

T ¶

table ¶

Configures a table element.

Accepts: datatable

Argument Type Description
font style The CSS font properties for the contents of the table. For example, font-family or font-weight.
Default: ${font}
paginate boolean Show pagination controls? When false, only the first page is displayed.
Default: true
perPage number The number of rows to display on each page.
Default: 10
showHeader boolean Show or hide the header row with titles for each column.
Default: true

Returns: render

tail ¶

Retrieves the last N rows from the end of a datatable. See also head.

Accepts: datatable

Argument Type Description
Alias: count
number The number of rows to retrieve from the end of the datatable.
Default: 1

Returns: datatable

timefilter ¶

Creates a time filter for querying a source.

Accepts: filter

Argument Type Description
Aliases: c, field
string The column or field that you want to filter.
Default: "@timestamp"
filterGroup string The group name for the filter
Aliases: f, start
string The beginning of the range, in ISO8601 or Elasticsearch datemath format
Aliases: end, t
string The end of the range, in ISO8601 or Elasticsearch datemath format

Returns: filter

timefilterControl ¶

Configures a time filter control element.

Accepts: null

Argument Type Description
Aliases: c, field
string The column or field that you want to filter.
Default: "@timestamp"
compact boolean Shows the time filter as a button, which triggers a popover.
Default: true
filterGroup string The group name for the filter.

Returns: render

timelion ¶

Uses Timelion to extract one or more time series from many sources.

Accepts: filter

Argument Type Description
Aliases: q, query
string A Timelion query
Default: ".es(*)"
from string The Elasticsearch datemath string for the beginning of the time range.
Default: "now-1y"
interval string The bucket interval for the time series.
Default: "auto"
timezone string The timezone for the time range. See
Default: "UTC"
to string The Elasticsearch datemath string for the end of the time range.
Default: "now"

Returns: datatable

timerange ¶

An object that represents a span of time.

Accepts: null

Argument Type Description
from ***** string The start of the time range
to ***** string The end of the time range

Returns: timerange

to ¶

Explicitly casts the type of the context from one type to the specified type.

Accepts: any

Argument Type Description
Unnamed †
Alias: type
string A known data type in the expression language.

Returns: Depends on your input and arguments

U ¶

uiSetting ¶

Returns a UI settings parameter value.

Accepts: any

Argument Type Description
Unnamed *****
Alias: parameter
string The parameter name.
default any A default value in case of the parameter is not set.

Returns: Depends on your input and arguments

urlparam ¶

Retrieves a URL parameter to use in an expression. The urlparam function always returns a string. For example, you can retrieve the value "20" from the parameter myVar from the URL https://localhost:5601/app/canvas?myVar=20.

Accepts: null

Argument Type Description
Unnamed *****
Aliases: param, var, variable
string The URL hash parameter to retrieve.
default string The string returned when the URL parameter is unspecified.
Default: ""

Returns: string

V ¶

var ¶

Updates the Kibana global context.

Accepts: any

Argument Type Description
Unnamed *****
Alias: name
string Specify the name of the variable.

Returns: Depends on your input and arguments

var_set ¶

Updates the Kibana global context.

Accepts: any

Argument Type Description
Unnamed ***** †
Alias: name
string Specify the name of the variable.
value †
Alias: val
any Specify the value for the variable. When unspecified, the input context is used.

Returns: Depends on your input and arguments