Azure Service Bus
Instrumentation can be enabled for Azure Service Bus by referencing Elastic.Apm.Azure.ServiceBus
package and subscribing to diagnostic events using one of the subscribers:
If the agent is included by referencing the
package, the subscribers will be automatically subscribed with the agent, and no further action is required.If you’re using
, subscribeMicrosoftAzureServiceBusDiagnosticsSubscriber
with the agentAgent.Subscribe(new MicrosoftAzureServiceBusDiagnosticsSubscriber());
If you’re using
, subscribeAzureMessagingServiceBusDiagnosticsSubscriber
with the agentAgent.Subscribe(new AzureMessagingServiceBusDiagnosticsSubscriber());
A new transaction is created when
- one or more messages are received from a queue or topic subscription.
- a message is receive deferred from a queue or topic subscription.
A new span is created when there is a current transaction, and when
- one or more messages are sent to a queue or topic.
- one or more messages are scheduled to a queue or a topic.