
Edit field mappings

Ingest pipelines create fields in an Elasticsearch index, but don’t define the fields themselves. Instead, each field requires a defined data type or mapping.


Mapping is the process of defining how a document, and the fields it contains, are stored and indexed. Each document is a collection of fields, each having its own data type. When mapping your data, create a mapping definition containing a list of fields pertinent to the document. A mapping definition also includes metadata fields, like the _source field, which customize how the associated metadata of a document is handled.

To learn more, see mapping.

In the integration, the fields directory serves as the blueprint used to create component templates for the integration. The content from all files in this directory will be unified when the integration is built, so the mappings need to be unique per data stream dataset.

Like ingest pipelines, mappings only apply to the data stream dataset, for our example the apache.access dataset.

  • NOTE: The names of these files are conventions, any file name with a .yml extension will work.

Integrations have had significant enhancements in how ECS fields are defined. Below is a guide on which approach to use, based on the version of Elastic your integration will support.

  • . ECS mappings component template (>=8.13.0) Integrations only supporting version 8.13.0 and up, can use the ecs@mappings component template installed by Fleet. This makes explicitly declaring ECS fields unnecessary; the ecs@mappings component template in Elasticsearch will automatically detect and configure them. However, should ECS fields be explicitly defined, they will overwrite the dynamic mapping provided by the ecs@mappings component template. They can also be imported with an external declaration, as seen in the example below.

  • . Dynamic mappings imports (<8.13.0 & >=8.13.0) Integrations supporting the Elastic stack below version 8.13.0 can still dynamically import ECS field mappings by defining import_mappings: true in the ECS section of the _dev/build/build.yml file in the root of the package directory. This introduces a dynamic mapping with most of the ECS definitions. Using this method means that, just like the previous approach, ECS fields don’t need to be defined in your integration, they are dynamically integrated into the package at build time. Explicitly defined ECS fields can be used and will also overwrite this mechanism.

An example of the aformentioned build.yml file for this method:


    reference: git@v8.6.0
    import_mappings: true
  • . Explicit ECS mappings As mentioned in the previous two approaches, ECS mappings can still be set explicitly and will overwrite the dynamic mappings. This can be done in two ways: - Using an external: ecs reference to import the definition of a specific field. - Literally defining the ECS field.

The external: ecs definition instructs the elastic-package command line tool to refer to an external ECS reference to resolve specific fields. By default it looks at the ECS reference file hosted on Github. This external reference file is determined by a Git reference found in the _dev/build/build.yml file, in the root of the package directory. The build.yml file set up for external references:


    reference: git@v8.6.0

Literal definition a ECS field:

- name: cloud.acount.id
  level: extended
  type: keyword
  ignore_above: 1024
  description: 'The cloud account or organ....'
  example: 43434343
  1. Local ECS reference file (air-gapped setup) By changing the Git reference in in _dev/build/build.yml to the path of the downloaded ECS reference file, it is possible for the elastic-package command line tool to look for this file locally. Note that the path should be the full path to the reference file. Doing this, our build.yml file looks like:

        reference: file:///home/user/integrations/packages/apache/ecs_nested.yml

The access data stream dataset of the Apache integration has four different field definitions:

  • NOTE: The apache integration below has not yet been updated to use the dynamic ECS field definition and uses external references to define ECS fields in ecs.yml.

│   └───access
│   │   └───elasticsearch/ingest_pipeline
│   │   │      default.yml
│   │   └───fields
│   │          agent.yml
│   │          base-fields.yml
│   │          ecs.yml
│   │          fields.yml
│   └───error
│   │   └───elasticsearch/ingest_pipeline
│   │   │      default.yml
│   │   └───fields
│   │          agent.yml
│   │          base-fields.yml
│   │          ecs.yml
│   │          fields.yml
│   └───status

The agent.yml file defines fields used by default processors. Examples: cloud.account.id, container.id, input.type

In this file, the data_stream subfields type, dataset and namespace are defined as type constant_keyword, the values for these fields are added by the integration. The event.module and event.dataset fields are defined with a fixed value specific for this integration: - event.module: apache - event.dataset: apache.access Field @timestamp is defined here as type date.

Here we define fields that we need in our integration and are not found in the ECS. The example below defines field apache.access.ssl.protocol in the Apache integration.


- name: apache.access
  type: group
    - name: ssl.protocol
      type: keyword
      description: |
        SSL protocol version.

Learn more about fields in the general guidelines.