
Email fields

Elastic Stack Serverless

Event details relating to an email transaction.

This field set focuses on the email message header, body, and attachments. Network protocols that send and receive email messages such as SMTP are outside the scope of the email.* fields.

Field Description Level
email.attachments A list of objects describing the attachment files sent along with an email message.

type: nested

Note: this field should contain an array of values.
email.attachments.file.extension Attachment file extension, excluding the leading dot.

type: keyword

example: txt
email.attachments.file.mime_type The MIME media type of the attachment.

This value will typically be extracted from the Content-Type MIME header field.

type: keyword

example: text/plain
email.attachments.file.name Name of the attachment file including the file extension.

type: keyword

example: attachment.txt
email.attachments.file.size Attachment file size in bytes.

type: long

example: 64329
email.bcc.address The email address of BCC recipient

type: keyword

Note: this field should contain an array of values.

example: bcc.user1@example.com
email.cc.address The email address of CC recipient

type: keyword

Note: this field should contain an array of values.

example: cc.user1@example.com
email.content_type Information about how the message is to be displayed.

Typically a MIME type.

type: keyword

example: text/plain
email.delivery_timestamp The date and time when the email message was received by the service or client.

type: date

example: 2020-11-10T22:12:34.8196921Z
email.direction The direction of the message based on the sending and receiving domains.

type: keyword

example: inbound
email.from.address The email address of the sender, typically from the RFC 5322 From: header field.

type: keyword

Note: this field should contain an array of values.

example: sender@example.com
email.local_id Unique identifier given to the email by the source that created the event.

Identifier is not persistent across hops.

type: keyword

example: c26dbea0-80d5-463b-b93c-4e8b708219ce
email.message_id Identifier from the RFC 5322 Message-ID: email header that refers to a particular email message.

type: wildcard

example: 81ce15$8r2j59@mail01.example.com
email.origination_timestamp The date and time the email message was composed. Many email clients will fill in this value automatically when the message is sent by a user.

type: date

example: 2020-11-10T22:12:34.8196921Z
email.reply_to.address The address that replies should be delivered to based on the value in the RFC 5322 Reply-To: header.

type: keyword

Note: this field should contain an array of values.

example: reply.here@example.com
email.sender.address Per RFC 5322, specifies the address responsible for the actual transmission of the message.

type: keyword
email.subject A brief summary of the topic of the message.

type: keyword


* email.subject.text (type: match_only_text)

example: Please see this important message.
email.to.address The email address of recipient

type: keyword

Note: this field should contain an array of values.

example: user1@example.com
email.x_mailer The name of the application that was used to draft and send the original email message.

type: keyword

example: Spambot v2.5
Location Field Set Description
email.attachments.file.hash.* hash Hashes, usually file hashes.