Messaging configuration options
Used to filter out specific messaging queues/topics from being traced.
This property should be set to an array containing one or more strings. When set, sends-to and receives-from the specified queues/topic will be ignored.
This option supports the wildcard *
, which matches zero or more characters. Examples: /foo/*/bar/*/baz*
, *foo*
. Matching is case insensitive by default. Prepending an element with (?-i)
makes the matching case sensitive.
Default | Type | Dynamic |
<none> |
List | true |
Java System Properties | Property file | Environment |
elastic.apm.ignore_message_queues |
ignore_message_queues |
Defines which packages contain JMS MessageListener implementations for instrumentation. When empty (default), all inner-classes or any classes that have Listener or Message in their names are considered.
This configuration option helps to make MessageListener type matching faster and improve application startup performance.
Starting from version 1.43.0, the classes that are part of the application_packages option are also included in the list of classes considered.
Default | Type | Dynamic |
<none> |
Collection | false |
Java System Properties | Property file | Environment |
elastic.apm.jms_listener_packages |
jms_listener_packages |
Defines whether the agent should use the exchanges, the routing key or the queue for the naming of RabbitMQ Transactions. Valid options are QUEUE
. Note that QUEUE
only works when using RabbitMQ via spring-amqp and ROUTING_KEY
only works for the non spring-client.
Valid options: EXCHANGE
Default | Type | Dynamic |
RabbitMQNamingMode | true |
Java System Properties | Property file | Environment |
elastic.apm.rabbitmq_naming_mode |
rabbitmq_naming_mode |