
KV processor

This processor helps automatically parse messages (or specific event fields) which are of the foo=bar variety.

For example, if you have a log message which contains ip= error=REFUSED, you can parse those fields automatically by configuring:

  "kv": {
    "field": "message",
    "field_split": " ",
    "value_split": "="

Using the KV Processor can result in field names that you cannot control. Consider using the Flattened data type instead, which maps an entire object as a single field and allows for simple searches over its contents.

Name Required Default Description
field yes - The field to be parsed. Supports template snippets.
field_split yes - Regex pattern to use for splitting key-value pairs
value_split yes - Regex pattern to use for splitting the key from the value within a key-value pair
target_field no null The field to insert the extracted keys into. Defaults to the root of the document. Supports template snippets.
include_keys no null List of keys to filter and insert into document. Defaults to including all keys
exclude_keys no null List of keys to exclude from document
ignore_missing no false If true and field does not exist or is null, the processor quietly exits without modifying the document
prefix no null Prefix to be added to extracted keys
trim_key no null String of characters to trim from extracted keys
trim_value no null String of characters to trim from extracted values
strip_brackets no false If true strip brackets (), <>, [] as well as quotes ' and " from extracted values
description no - Description of the processor. Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration.
if no - Conditionally execute the processor. See Conditionally run a processor.
ignore_failure no false Ignore failures for the processor. See Handling pipeline failures.
on_failure no - Handle failures for the processor. See Handling pipeline failures.
tag no - Identifier for the processor. Useful for debugging and metrics.