

To update the state, you can use actions below. Actions are functions that update the Request State and performs an API request.

setSearchTerm("search term");

To get access to the actions within your component, you must wrap your component with our context HOCs.

// Selects `searchTerm` and `setSearchTerm` for use in Component
withSearch(({ searchTerm, setSearchTerm }) => ({

See WithSearch & withSearch for more information.

There are certain cases where you may need to apply one or more actions at a time. Search UI intelligently batches actions into a single API call.

For example, if you need to apply two filters at once, it is perfectly acceptable to write the following code:

addFilter("states", "Alaska", "any");
addFilter("world_heritage_site", "true");

This will only result in a single API call.

  name: string,
  value: FilterValue,
  type: FilterType = "all"

Add a filter in addition to current filters values.

addFilter("states", "Alaska");
addFilter("isPublished", true);
addFilter("rating", 1);

addFilter("states", ["Alaska", "California"], "all");
addFilter("states", ["Alaska", "California"], "any");

  name: "published",
  from: "2020-01-01",
  to: "2020-12-31"

  name: "badRating",
  from: 1,
  to: 6
Parameters description
name Required. Name of the field
value Required. Filter Value. See FilterValue type.
type Optional. Defaults to all. How the filter is applied. Can be one of any, all, none
  name: string,
  value: FilterValue,
  type: FilterType = "all"

Set a filter value, replacing current filter values.

setFilter("states", "Alaska");
setFilter("isPublished", true);
setFilter("rating", 1);

setFilter("states", ["Alaska", "California"], "all");
setFilter("states", ["Alaska", "California"], "any");

  name: "published",
  from: "2020-01-01",
  to: "2020-12-31"

  name: "badRating",
  from: 1,
  to: 6
Parameters description
name Required. Name of the field
value Required. Filter Value. See FilterValue type.
type Optional. Defaults to all. How the filter is applied. Can be one of any, all, none

Removes filters or filter values.

  name: string,
  value?: FilterValue,
  type?: FilterType
removeFilter("states", ["Alaska", "California"]);

removeFilter("published", {
  name: "published",
  from: "2020-01-01",
  to: "2020-12-31"

removeFilter("rating", {
  name: "badRating",
  from: 1,
  to: 6
Parameters description
name Required. Name of the field
value Optional. Filter Value. Will remove all filters under field if value not specified. See FilterValue type.
type Optional. Defaults to all. How the filter is applied. Can be one of any, all, none

Reset state to initial search state.


Clear all filters.

clearFilters((except: string[] = []));
  1. field name
Parameters description
except Optional. String array. Field names which you want to ignore being cleared.

Update the current page number. Used for paging.

setCurrent(current: number)
Parameters description
current Required. Number type. The page number.

Update the number of results per page. Used for paging.

setResultsPerPage(resultsPerPage: number)
Parameters description
resultsPerPage Required. Number type. Sets number of results per page.
  searchTerm: string,
    autocompleteMinimumCharacters = 0,
    autocompleteResults = false,
    autocompleteSuggestions = false,
    shouldClearFilters = true,
    refresh = true,
    debounce = 0
  }: SetSearchTermOptions = {}

Update the search term. Also gives you the ability to control autocomplete options.

Parameters description
searchTerm Required. String type. the new search term to query by
options Optional. Object type. See SetSearchTermOptions type.
Parameters description
autocompleteMinimumCharacters Optional. miniumum terms to start performing autocomplete suggestions
autocompleteResults Optional. To perform autocomplete Results
autocompleteSuggestions Optional. To perform autocomplete Suggestions
shouldClearFilters Optional. To clear filters
refresh Optional. To refresh results
debounce Optional.
  sort: SortOption[] | string,
  sortDirection: SortDirection

Update the sort option.

Parameters description
sort SortOption or String - field to sort on
sortDirection String - "asc" or "desc"
  documentId: string,
  tags: string[] = []

Report a clickthrough event, which is when a user clicks on a result link.

Parameters description
documentId String - The document ID associated with the result that was clicked
tags Optional. Array[String] Optional tags which can be used to categorize this click event
  documentId: string,
  tags: string[] = []

Report a clickthrough event, which is when a user clicks on an autocomplete suggestion.

Parameters description
documentId String - The document ID associated with the result that was clicked
tags Optional. Array[String] Optional tags which can be used to categorize this click event

This action requires the use of the analytics plugin.

  suggestion: string,
  postion: number
  tags: string[] = []

Report a suggestion clickthrough event, which is when a user clicks on an autocomplete suggestion.

Parameters description
suggestion String - The suggestion that was clicked
position Number - The position of the suggestion that was clicked
tags Optional. Array[String] Optional tags which can be used to categorize this click event
  messageFunc: string,
  messageArgs?: unknown

Reads out a screen reader accessible notification. See a11yNotificationMessages under TODO LINK

Parameters description
messageFunc String - object key to run as function
messageArgs Object - Arguments to pass to form your screen reader message string

FilterValue can be either a value type or a range type.

type FilterValue = FilterValueValue | FilterValueRange;

type FieldValue = string | number | boolean | Array<string | number | boolean>;

type FilterValueValue = FieldValue;

type FilterValueRange = {
  from?: FieldValue;
  name: string;
  to?: FieldValue;

type FilterType = "any" | "all" | "none";