


This setting is only used with the age filtertype, or
with the space filtertype if use_age is set to True.

- filtertype: age
  source: creation_date
  direction: older
  unit: days
  unit_count: 3

The value of this setting will be used as a multiplier for unit.

unit, unit_count, and optionally, epoch, are used by Curator to establish the moment in time point of reference with this formula:

point_of_reference = epoch - ((number of seconds in unit) * unit_count)

units are calculated as follows:

Unit Seconds Note
seconds 1 One second
minutes 60 Calculated as 60 seconds
hours 3600 Calculated as 60 minutes (60*60)
days 86400 Calculated as 24 hours (246060)
weeks 604800 Calculated as 7 days (72460*60)
months 2592000 Calculated as 30 days (302460*60)
years 31536000 Calculated as 365 days (3652460*60)

If epoch is unset, the current time is used. It is possible to set a point of reference in the future by using a negative value for unit_count.

This setting must be set by the user or an exception will be raised, and execution will halt.

If this setting is used in conjunction with unit_count_pattern, the configured value will only be used as a fallback value in case the pattern could not be matched. The value -1 has a special meaning in this case and causes the index to be ignored when pattern matching fails.


See the age filter documentation for more information about time calculation.