
Other authentication methods

If you want the client to authenticate with an Elasticsearch access token, set the relevant HTTP request header. If the client makes requests on behalf of a single user only, you can set the necessary Authorization header as a default header as shown in the following example:

RestClientBuilder builder = RestClient.builder(
    new HttpHost("localhost", 9200, "http"));
Header[] defaultHeaders =
    new Header[]{new BasicHeader("Authorization",
        "Bearer u6iuAxZ0RG1Kcm5jVFI4eU4tZU9aVFEwT2F3")};

If you want the client to authenticate with an Elasticsearch API key, set the relevant HTTP request header. If the client makes requests on behalf of a single user only, you can set the necessary Authorization header as a default header as shown in the following example:

String apiKeyId = "uqlEyn8B_gQ_jlvwDIvM";
String apiKeySecret = "HxHWk2m4RN-V_qg9cDpuX";
String apiKeyAuth =
        (apiKeyId + ":" + apiKeySecret)
RestClientBuilder builder = RestClient.builder(
    new HttpHost("localhost", 9200, "http"));
Header[] defaultHeaders =
    new Header[]{new BasicHeader("Authorization",
        "ApiKey " + apiKeyAuth)};