
Configure the HTTP client

Elasticsearch-php uses elastic-transport-php for managing the HTTP tranport. This is an HTTP client provided by Elastic that can be configured to use any PSR-18 client library.

Elasticsearch-php uses Guzzle as default HTTP client but you can specify any other client using the setHttpClient() function, as follows:

use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Psr18Client;

$client = ClientBuilder::create()
    ->setHttpClient(new Psr18Client)

For instance, in this example we used the Symfony HTTP Client.

If you want you can set the options for a specific PSR-18 client using the ClientBuilder::setHttpClientOptions($options) method. The $options is an array of key:value options that are specifics to the HTTP client used.

For instance, if you are using Guzzle (default) and you need to use a proxy you can use the following settings:

$client = ClientBuilder::create()
        'proxy' => 'http://localhost:8125'

Elasticsearch-php can works using an asyncronous HTTP client that implements the HttpAsyncClient interface of the HTTPlug project.

Unfortunately, there is not yet a PSR standard for HTTP async client. We used the HTTPlug interface that is quite simple, as follows:

namespace Http\Client;

use Http\Promise\Promise;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;1

interface HttpAsyncClient
     * @return Promise
    public function sendAsyncRequest(RequestInterface $request);
  1. PSR-7 response

You can enable the HTTP async in elasticsearch-php using the setAsync() function, as follows:

$client = ClientBuilder::create()


$promise = [];
for ($i=0; $i<10; $i++) {
    $promise[] = $client->index([
        'index' => 'my-index'
        'body' => [
            'foo' => base64_encode(random_bytes(24))

The previous example stores 10 random documents using the HTTP asyncronous feature. The $promise response is an object of promises/a+ interface.

A promise represents a single result of an asynchronous operation. It is not necessarily available at a specific time, but should become in the future.

If you need to know the response you can just call the wait() function, as follows:

$promise = $client->index([
    'index' => 'my-index',
    'body' => [
        'foo' => 'bar'
$result = $promise->wait();

The wait() function block the execution until we will recevie the HTTP response from Elasticsearch.

Instead of waiting, you can handle things asynchronously using the then() function, as follows:

use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;1

$promise = $client->index([
    'index' => 'my-index',
    'body' => [
        'foo' => 'bar'

    // The success callback
    function (ResponseInterface $response) {
        // Success
        // insert here the logic for managing the response
        return $response;
    // The failure callback
    function (\Exception $exception) {
        // Error
        throw $exception;
  1. PSR-7

More information about Promise are available at the HTTPlug documentation page.