Timeline schema
The Timeline schema lists all the JSON fields and objects required to create a Timeline or a Timeline template using the Create Timeline API.
All column, dropzone, and filter fields must be ECS fields.
This screenshot maps the Timeline UI components to their JSON objects:

- Title (
) - Global notes (
) - Data view (
) - KQL bar query (
) - Time filter (
) - Additional filters (
) - KQL bar mode (
) - Dropzone (each clause is contained in its own
object) - Column headers (
) - Event-specific notes (
Name | Type | Description |
columns |
columns[] | The Timeline’scolumns. |
created |
Float | The time the Timeline was created, using a 13-digit Epochtimestamp. |
createdBy |
String | The user who created the Timeline. |
dataProviders |
dataProviders[] | Object containing dropzone queryclauses. |
dataViewId |
String | ID of the Timeline’s Data View, for example: "dataViewId":"security-solution-default" . |
dateRange |
dateRange | The Timeline’s search period: * end : The time up to which events are searched, using a 13-digit Epoch timestamp.* start : The time from which events are searched, using a 13-digit Epoch timestamp. |
description |
String | The Timeline’s description. |
eventNotes |
eventNotes[] | Notes added to specific events in the Timeline. |
eventType |
String | Event types displayed in the Timeline, which can be: * All data sources * Events : Event sources only* Detection Alerts : Detection alerts only |
favorite |
favorite[] | Indicates when and who marked aTimeline as a favorite. |
filters |
filters[] | Filters usedin addition to the dropzone query. |
globalNotes |
globalNotes[] | Global notes added to the Timeline. |
kqlMode |
String | Indicates whether the KQL bar filters the dropzone query results or searches for additional results, where: * filter : filters dropzone query results* search : displays additional search results |
kqlQuery |
kqlQuery | KQL barquery. |
pinnedEventIds |
pinnedEventIds[] | IDs of events pinned to the Timeline’ssearch results. |
savedObjectId |
String | The Timeline’s saved object ID. |
savedQueryId |
String | If used, the saved query ID used to filter or searchdropzone query results. |
sort |
sort | Object indicating how rows are sorted in the Timeline’s grid: * columnId (string): The ID of the column used to sort results.* sortDirection (string): The sort direction, which can be either desc or asc . |
templateTimelineId |
String | A unique ID (UUID) for Timeline templates. ForTimelines, the value is null . |
templateTimelineVersion |
Integer | Timeline template version number. ForTimelines, the value is null . |
timelineType |
String | Indicates whether the Timeline is a template or not, where: * default : Indicates a Timeline used to actively investigate events.* template : Indicates a Timeline template used when detection rule alerts are investigated in Timeline. |
title |
String | The Timeline’s title. |
updated |
Float | The last time the Timeline was updated, using a13-digit Epoch timestamp. |
updatedBy |
String | The user who last updated the Timeline. |
version |
String | The Timeline’s version. |
Name | Type | Description |
aggregatable |
Boolean | Indicates whether the field can be aggregated acrossall indices (used to sort columns in the UI). |
category |
String | The ECS field set to which the field belongs. |
description |
String | UI column field description tooltip. |
example |
String | UI column field example tooltip. |
indexes |
String | Security indices in which the field exists and has the sameElasticsearch type. null when all the security indices have the field with the sametype. |
id |
String | ECS field name, displayed as the column header in the UI. |
type |
String | The field’s type. |
Name | Type | Description |
and |
dataProviders[] | Array containing dropzone query clauses using AND logic. |
enabled |
Boolean | Indicates if the dropzone query clause is enabled. |
excluded |
Boolean | Indicates if the dropzone query clause uses NOT logic. |
id |
String | The dropzone query clause’s unique ID. |
name |
String | The dropzone query clause’s name (the clause’s valuewhen Timelines are exported from the UI). |
queryMatch |
queryMatch | The dropzone query clause: * field (string): The field used to search Security indices.* operator (string): The clause’s operator, which can be:* : - The field has the specified value .* :* - The field exists.* value (string): The field’s value used to match results. |
Name | Type | Description |
created |
Float | The time the note was created, using a 13-digit Epochtimestamp. |
createdBy |
String | The user who added the note. |
eventId |
String | The ID of the event to which the note was added. |
note |
String | The note’s text. |
noteId |
String | The note’s ID |
timelineId |
String | The ID of the Timeline to which the note was added. |
updated |
Float | The last time the note was updated, using a13-digit Epoch timestamp. |
updatedBy |
String | The user who last updated the note. |
version |
String | The note’s version. |
Name | Type | Description |
favoriteDate |
Float | The time the Timeline was marked as a favorite, using a13-digit Epoch timestamp. |
fullName |
String | The full name of the user who marked the Timeline asa favorite. |
keySearch |
String | userName encoded in Base64. |
userName |
String | The username of the user who marked theTimeline as a favorite. |
Name | Type | Description |
exists |
String | Exists term query for thespecified field (null when undefined). For example, {"field":"user.name"} . |
meta |
meta | Filter details: * alias (string): UI filter name.* disabled (boolean): Indicates if the filter is disabled.* key (string): Field name or unique string ID.* negate (boolean): Indicates if the filter query clause uses NOT logic.* params (string): Value of phrase filter types.* type (string): Type of filter. For example, exists and range . For more information about filtering, see Query DSL. |
match_all |
String | Match all term queryfor the specified field (null when undefined). |
query |
String | DSL query (null when undefined). Forexample, {"match_phrase":{"ecs.version":"1.4.0"}} . |
range |
String | Range query (null whenundefined). For example, {"@timestamp":{"gte":"now-1d","lt":"now"}}" . |
Name | Type | Description |
created |
Float | The time the note was created, using a 13-digit Epochtimestamp. |
createdBy |
String | The user who added the note. |
note |
String | The note’s text. |
noteId |
String | The note’s ID |
timelineId |
String | The ID of the Timeline to which the note was added. |
updated |
Float | The last time the note was updated, using a13-digit Epoch timestamp. |
updatedBy |
String | The user who last updated the note. |
version |
String | The note’s version. |
Name | Type | Description |
filterQuery |
filterQuery | Object containing query details: * kuery : Object containing the query’s clauses and type:* expression (string): The query’s clauses.* kind (string): The type of query, which can be kuery or lucene .* serializedQuery (string): The query represented in JSON format. |