
System testing

Elastic Packages comprise of data streams. A system test exercises the end-to-end flow of data for a package’s data stream — from ingesting data from the package’s integration service all the way to indexing it into an Elasticsearch data stream.

Conceptually, running a system test involves the following steps:

  1. Deploy the Elastic Stack, including Elasticsearch, Kibana, and the Elastic Agent. This step takes time. so you should typically do it once as a prerequisite to running system tests on multiple data streams.
  2. Enroll the Elastic Agent with Fleet (running in the Kibana instance). This step also can be done once, as a prerequisite.
  3. Depending on the Elastic Package whose data stream is being tested, deploy an instance of the package’s integration service.
  4. Create a test policy that configures a single data stream for a single package.
  5. Assign the test policy to the enrolled Agent.
  6. Wait a reasonable amount of time for the Agent to collect data from the integration service and index it into the correct Elasticsearch data stream.
  7. Query the first 500 documents based on @timestamp for validation.
  8. Validate mappings are defined for the fields contained in the indexed documents.
  9. Validate that the JSON data types contained _source are compatible with mappings declared for the field.
  10. Delete test artifacts and tear down the instance of the package’s integration service.
  11. Once all desired data streams have been system tested, tear down the Elastic Stack.

At the moment, system tests have limitations. The salient ones are: * There isn’t a way to assert that the indexed data matches data from a file (e.g. golden file testing).

Packages have a specific folder structure (only relevant parts shown).

<package root>/
    <data stream>/

To define a system test we must define configuration on at least one level: a package or a data stream’s one.

First, we must define the configuration for deploying a package’s integration service. We can define it on either the package level:

<package root>/
      <service deployer>/
        <service deployer files>

or the data stream’s level:

<package root>/
    <data stream>/
          <service deployer>/
            <service deployer files>

<service deployer> - a name of the supported service deployer:

  • docker - Docker Compose
  • k8s - Kubernetes
  • tf - Terraform

The <service deployer files> must include a docker-compose.yml file when using the Docker Compose service deployer. The docker-compose.yml file defines the integration service for the package. For example, if your package has a logs data stream, the log files from your package’s integration service must be written to a volume. For example, the apache package has the following definition in it’s integration service’s docker-compose.yml file.

version: '2.3'
    # Other properties such as build, ports, etc.
      - ${SERVICE_LOGS_DIR}:/usr/local/apache2/logs

Here, SERVICE_LOGS_DIR is a special keyword. It is something that we will need later.

When using the Terraform service deployer, the <service deployer files> must include at least one *.tf file. The *.tf files define the infrastructure using the Terraform syntax. The Terraform-based service can be handy to boot up resources using a selected cloud provider and use them for testing (e.g. observe and collect metrics).

Sample main.tf definition:

variable "TEST_RUN_ID" {
  default = "detached"

provider "aws" {}

resource "aws_instance" "i" {
  ami           = data.aws_ami.latest-amzn.id
  monitoring = true
  instance_type = "t1.micro"
  tags = {
    Name = "elastic-package-test-${var.TEST_RUN_ID}"

data "aws_ami" "latest-amzn" {
  most_recent = true
  owners = [ "amazon" ]1
  filter {
    name   = "name"
    values = ["amzn2-ami-hvm-*"]
  1. AWS

Notice the use of the TEST_RUN_ID variable. It contains a unique ID, which can help differentiate resources created in potential concurrent test runs.

The Kubernetes service deployer requires the _dev/deploy/k8s directory to be present. It can include additional *.yaml files to deploy custom applications in the Kubernetes cluster (e.g. Nginx deployment). If no resource definitions (*.yaml files ) are needed, the _dev/deploy/k8s directory must contain an .empty file (to preserve the k8s directory under version control).

The Kubernetes service deployer needs kind to be installed and the cluster to be up and running:

wget -qO-  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/elastic/elastic-package/main/scripts/kind-config.yaml | kind create cluster --config -

Before executing system tests, the service deployer applies once the deployment of the Elastic Agent to the cluster and links the kind cluster with the Elastic stack network - applications running in the kind cluster can reach Elasticsearch and Kibana instances. The Elastic Agent's deployment is not deleted after tests to shorten the total test execution time, but it can be reused.

See how to execute system tests for the Kubernetes integration (pod data stream):

elastic-package stack up -d -v1
wget -qO-  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/elastic/elastic-package/main/scripts/kind-config.yaml | kind create cluster --config -
elastic-package test system --data-streams pod -v # start system tests for the "pod" data stream
  1. start the Elastic stack

Next, we must define at least one configuration for each data stream that we want to system test. You can define multiple test cases for the same data stream.

Hint: if you plan to define only one test case, you can consider the filename test-default-config.yml.

<package root>/
    <data stream>/

The test-<test_name>-config.yml file allows you to define values for package and data stream-level variables. For example, the apache/access data stream’s test-access-log-config.yml is shown below.

vars: ~
input: logfile
      - "{{SERVICE_LOGS_DIR}}/access.log*"

The top-level vars field corresponds to package-level variables defined in the apache package’s manifest.yml file. In the above example, we don’t override any of these package-level variables, so their default values, are used in the apache package’s manifest.yml file.

The data_stream.vars field corresponds to data stream-level variables for the current data stream (apache/access in the above example). In the above example we override the paths variable. All other variables are populated with their default values, as specified in the apache/access data stream’s manifest.yml file.

Notice the use of the {{SERVICE_LOGS_DIR}} placeholder. This corresponds to the ${SERVICE_LOGS_DIR} variable we saw in the docker-compose.yml file earlier. In the above example, the /usr/local/apache2/logs/access.log* files located inside the Apache integration service container become available at the same path from Elastic Agent's perspective.

When a data stream’s manifest declares multiple streams with different inputs you can use the input option to select the stream to test. The first stream whose input type matches the input value will be tested. By default, the first stream declared in the manifest will be tested.

The SERVICE_LOGS_DIR placeholder is not the only one available for use in a data stream’s test-<test_name>-config.yml file. The complete list of available placeholders is shown below.

Placeholder name Data type Description
Hostname string Addressable host name of the integration service.
Ports []int Array of addressable ports the integration service is listening on.
Port int Alias for Ports[0]. Provided as a convenience.
Logs.Folder.Agent string Path to integration service’s logs folder, as addressable by the Agent.
SERVICE_LOGS_DIR string Alias for Logs.Folder.Agent. Provided as a convenience.

Placeholders used in the test-<test_name>-config.yml must be enclosed in {{ and }} delimiters, per Handlebars syntax.

Once the two levels of configurations are defined as described in the previous section, you are ready to run system tests for a package’s data streams.

First you must deploy the Elastic Stack. This corresponds to steps 1 and 2 as described in the Conceptual-process section.

elastic-package stack up -d

For a complete listing of options available for this command, run elastic-package stack up -h or elastic-package help stack up.

Next, you must set environment variables needed for further elastic-package commands.

$(elastic-package stack shellinit)

Next, you must invoke the system tests runner. This corresponds to steps 3 to 7 as described in the Conceptual-process section.

If you want to run system tests for all data streams in a package, navigate to the package’s root folder (or any sub-folder under it) and run the following command.

elastic-package test system

If you want to run system tests for specific data streams in a package, navigate to the package’s root folder (or any sub-folder under it) and run the following command.

elastic-package test system --data-streams <data stream 1>[,<data stream 2>,...]

Finally, when you are done running all system tests, bring down the Elastic Stack. This corresponds to step 8 in the Conceptual-process section.

elastic-package stack down

As the system tests exercise an integration end-to-end from running the integration’s service all the way to indexing generated data from the integration’s data streams into Elasticsearch, it is possible to generate sample_event.json files for each of the integration’s data streams while running these tests.

elastic-package test system --generate