
How to test new indexing features

Elasticsearch has been adding new indexing modes and features that allow optimization of storage size and query performance.

We’d like to enable integration developers to start testing the ingest and query performance of enabling these features before we start making any changes in the integrations themselves or allowing end users to enable these from the Fleet UI.

Today, each of these can already be enabled by leveraging the *@custom component templates that Fleet installs for each integration data stream, to varying degrees of ease of use (details below). We could improve the UX around this for integration developers by adding an explicit API in Fleet to enable this, however it may not be necessary. See elastic/kibana#132818 for discussion around how a feature flag API could be added to ease this a bit more.

See the following instructions for testing new indexing features:

  • For background, refer to #85649
  • For integrations support, refer to #340

This feature is quite easy to enable on an integration using the component template. Here’s how to do this for the nginx substatus metrics, for example:

  1. Install the nginx package.

  2. Run this dev tools command:

     PUT /_component_template/metrics-nginx.substatus@custom {
      "template": {
        "settings": {},
        "mappings": {
          "_source": {
            "mode": "synthetic"
      "_meta": {
        "package": {
          "name": "nginx"
  3. If a data stream already exists, rollover the data stream to get the new mappings: POST metrics-nginx.substatus-default/_rollover

One challenge with leveraging synthetic source is that it doesn’t support keyword fields that have ignore_above configured. It may be worth removing this setting for testing on those fields. This can be done by editing the package in dev and installing it via elastic-package or overriding it via the custom component template, similar to the doc-value-only example.

This feature is more challenging with component templates because it requires adding index: false to every long and double field. Providing an API in Fleet would make this a bit easier. Here’s how to do this manually:

  1. Install the nginx package.

  2. Get the mappings included with the package: GET /_component_template/logs-nginx.access@package.

  3. Copy the output into your favorite text editor, search for each "type": "long" and "type": "double", and add "index": false.

  4. Update the custom component template with the new mappings. For example, here’s how to set the long fields to index: false:

     PUT /_component_template/merics-nginx.substatus@custom {
      "template": {
        "settings": {},
        "mappings": {
          "properties": {
            "nginx": {
              "properties": {
                "stubstatus": {
                  "properties": {
                    "hostname": {
                      "ignore_above": 1024,
                      "type": "keyword"
                    "current": {
                      "type": "long",
                      "index": false
                    "waiting": {
                      "type": "long",
                      "index": false
                    "accepts": {
                      "type": "long",
                      "index": false
                    "handled": {
                      "type": "long",
                      "index": false
                    "writing": {
                      "type": "long",
                      "index": false
                    "dropped": {
                      "type": "long",
                      "index": false
                    "active": {
                      "type": "long",
                      "index": false
                    "reading": {
                      "type": "long",
                      "index": false
                    "requests": {
                      "type": "long",
                      "index": false
      "_meta": {
        "package": {
          "name": "nginx"
  5. If a data stream already exists, rollover the data stream to get the new mappings: POST metrics-nginx.substatus-default/_rollover

  • For background, refer to #74660
  • For integrations support, refer to #311

Usage of TSDS indexing requires the following:

  • Mapping parameters must be added for time_series_dimension and time_series_metric on appropriate fields. This is already supported by the package ecosystem and Fleet, so packages can already define these options.
  • The mode: time_series and routing_path index settings must be added, this can be done by editing the custom component template.

Note that the routing_path setting should correspond to fields with time_series_dimension specified. In the future, ES may automate this setting.

  1. Install the kubernetes package (already has TSDS mappings set up)

  2. Run this dev tools command:

     PUT /_component_template/metrics-kubernetes.pod@custom {
      "template": {
        "settings": {
          "index.mode": "time_series",
          "index.routing_path": ["kubernetes.pod.uid"]
        "mappings": {}
      "_meta": {
        "package": {
          "name": "kubernetes"
  3. If a data stream already existed, rollover the data stream to get the new mappings: POST metrics-kubernetes.pod-default/_rollover