
Thycotic Secret Server

<div class="condensed-table">
| | |
| --- | --- |
| Version | 1.10.0 (View all) |
| Compatible Kibana version(s) | 8.13.0 or higher |
| Supported Serverless project types
What’s this? | Security
Observability |
| Subscription level
What’s this? | Basic |
| Level of support
What’s this? | Community |

The Thycotic integration allows you to collect logs from Thycotic Secret Server transmitted using syslog.

If you have used an external syslog receive to write the logs to file, you can also use this integration to read the log file.


Thycotic is now known as Delinea. At this point though, no changes have occurred to the Secret Server product to change how logging works, and the product is still referred to as Thycotic Secret Server, so this integration still uses "thycotic" as the reference to the vendor.

The Thycotic integration collects one type of data stream: logs

Log data streams collected by the Thycotic Secret Server integration include admin activity and PAM events, including secret access and modification.

You need Elasticsearch for storing and searching your data and Kibana for visualizing and managing it.

You can use our hosted Elasticsearch Service on Elastic Cloud, which is recommended, or self-manage the Elastic Stack on your own hardware.

The official vendor documentation regarding how to configure Secret Server to send syslog is here Secure Syslog/CEF Logging

This PDF is also useful as a reference for how Thycotic Secret Server generates logs in CEF format.

This integration has been tested against Thycotic Secret Server version 11.2.000002 and 11.3.000001.

Versions above this are expected to work but have not been tested.

If the "Preserve original event" is enabled, this will add the tag preserve_original_event to the event. event.original will be set with the original message contents, which is pre-CEF and pre-syslog parsing. This is useful to see what was originally received from Thycotic in case the decode_cef filebeat processor is failing for some reason.


This is a real concern, as the integration already uses a custom filebeat javascript processor snippet to fix instances of unescaped backslashes which arrive from Secret Server, and which will cause decode_cef to fail.


function process(event) {
  event.Put("message", event.Get("message").replace(/\b\\\b/g,"\\\\\"));

Fixes this as the raw log message emitted by Thycotic SS,

Nov 10 13:13:32 THYCOTICSS02 CEF:0|Thycotic Software|Secret Server|11.3.000001|10004|SECRET - VIEW|2|msg=[[SecretServer]] Event: [Secret] Action: [View] By User: U.Admin Item Name: Admin User Personal Admin Account - example\adminuser (Item Id: 12) Container Name: Admin User (Container Id: 11)  suid=2 suser=U.Admin cs4=Unlimited Administrator cs4Label=suser Display Name src= rt=Nov 10 2022 13:13:23 fname=Admin User Personal Admin Account - example\adminuser fileType=Secret fileId=12 cs3Label=Folder cs3=Admin User

Note how the message contains example\adminuser, and fname contains the same example\adminuser.

If the single \ is not replaced with an escaped backslash, e.g. \ prior to decode_cef being used, decode_cef will do the following,

  1. Add the following error.message array to the event,
"error": {
    "message": [
      "malformed value for msg at pos 197",
      "malformed value for fname at pos 436"
  1. Delete the message field that it original parsed (normal behaviour?)
  2. Fail to add the cef.extensions.message and cef.extensions.filename to the event, because it errored when tring to parse them

So if you’re seeing error messages like the above, it may be a similar issue with decode_cef that will require the javascript processor hack to be expanded.

If the "preserve_cef" tag is added to an integration input, the cef object and all fields under it will be preserved.

If the "preserve_log" tag is added to an integration input, the log object and all fields under it will be preserved.

The thycotic_ss.logs data stream provides events from Thycotic Secret Server of the following types: logs

An example event for thycotic_ss.logs looks as following:

The following fields may be used by the package: