
Microsoft module

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This is a module for ingesting data from the different Microsoft Products. Currently supports these filesets:

  • defender_atp fileset: Supports Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (Microsoft Defender ATP)
  • m365_defender fileset: Supports Microsoft 365 Defender (Microsoft Threat Protection)

When you run the module, it performs a few tasks under the hood:

  • Sets the default paths to the log files (but don’t worry, you can override the defaults)
  • Makes sure each multiline log event gets sent as a single event
  • Uses an Elasticsearch ingest pipeline to parse and process the log lines, shaping the data into a structure suitable for visualizing in Kibana
  • Deploys dashboards for visualizing the log data

Read the quick start to learn how to configure and run modules.

You can further refine the behavior of the microsoft module by specifying variable settings in the modules.d/microsoft.yml file, or overriding settings at the command line.

You must enable at least one fileset in the module. Filesets are disabled by default.

Each fileset has separate variable settings for configuring the behavior of the module. If you don’t specify variable settings, the microsoft module uses the defaults.

For advanced use cases, you can also override input settings. See Override input settings.


When you specify a setting at the command line, remember to prefix the setting with the module name, for example, microsoft.defender_atp.var.paths instead of defender_atp.var.paths.

To configure access for Filebeat to Microsoft 365 Defender you will have to create a new Azure Application registration, this will again return Oauth tokens with access to the Microsoft 365 Defender API

The procedure to create an application is found on the below link:

Create a new Azure Application

When giving the application the API permissions described in the documentation (Incident.Read.All) it will only grant access to read Incidents from 365 Defender and nothing else in the Azure Domain.

After the application has been created, it should contain 3 values that you need to apply to the module configuration.

These values are:

  • Client ID
  • Client Secret
  • Tenant ID

Example config:

- module: microsoft
    enabled: true
    var.oauth2.client.id: "123abc-879546asd-349587-ad64508"
    var.oauth2.client.secret: "980453~-Sg99gedf"
    var.oauth2.token_url: "https://login.microsoftonline.com/INSERT-TENANT-ID/oauth2/v2.0/token"
      - "https://api.security.microsoft.com/.default"
This is the client ID related to creating a new application on Azure.
The secret related to the client ID.
A predefined URL towards the Oauth2 service for Microsoft. The URL should always be the same with the exception of the Tenant ID that needs to be added to the full URL.
A list of included scopes, should use .default unless different is specified.

This is a list of 365 Defender fields that are mapped to ECS.

365 Defender Fields ECS Fields
lastUpdateTime @timestamp
severity event.severity
createdTime event.created
alerts.category threat.technique.name
alerts.description rule.description
alerts.serviceSource event.provider
alerts.alertId event.id
alerts.firstActivity event.start
alerts.lastActivity event.end
alerts.title message
entities.processId process.pid
entities.processCommandLine process.command_line
entities.processCreationTime process.start
entities.parentProcessId process.parent.pid
entities.parentProcessCreationTime process.parent.start
entities.sha1 file.hash.sha1
entities.sha256 file.hash.sha256
entities.url url.full
entities.filePath file.path
entities.fileName file.name
entities.userPrincipalName host.user.name
entities.domainName host.user.domain
entities.aadUserId host.user.id

To allow the filebeat module to ingest data from the Microsoft Defender API, you would need to create a new application on your Azure domain.

The procedure to create an application is found on the below link:

Create a new Azure Application

When giving the application the API permissions described in the documentation (Windows Defender ATP Alert.Read.All) it will only grant access to read alerts from ATP and nothing else in the Azure Domain.

After the application has been created, it should contain 3 values that you need to apply to the module configuration.

These values are:

  • Client ID
  • Client Secret
  • Tenant ID

Example config:

- module: microsoft
    enabled: true
    var.oauth2.client.id: "123abc-879546asd-349587-ad64508"
    var.oauth2.client.secret: "980453~-Sg99gedf"
    var.oauth2.token_url: "https://login.microsoftonline.com/INSERT-TENANT-ID/oauth2/token"
This is the client ID related to creating a new application on Azure.
The secret related to the client ID.
A predefined URL towards the Oauth2 service for Microsoft. The URL should always be the same with the exception of the Tenant ID that needs to be added to the full URL.

This is a list of Defender ATP fields that are mapped to ECS.

Defender ATP Fields ECS Fields
alertCreationTime @timestamp
aadTenantId cloud.account.id
category threat.technique.name
computerDnsName host.hostname
description rule.description
detectionSource observer.name
evidence.fileName file.name
evidence.filePath file.path
evidence.processId process.pid
evidence.processCommandLine process.command_line
evidence.processCreationTime process.start
evidence.parentProcessId process.parent.pid
evidence.parentProcessCreationTime process.parent.start
evidence.sha1 file.hash.sha1
evidence.sha256 file.hash.sha256
evidence.url url.full
firstEventTime event.start
id event.id
lastEventTime event.end
machineId cloud.instance.id
relatedUser.userName host.user.name
relatedUser.domainName host.user.domain
title message
severity event.severity

This module comes with a sample dashboard for Defender ATP.

filebeat defender atp overview

The best way to view Defender ATP events and alert data is in the SIEM.

siem alerts cs

For alerts, go to Detections → External alerts.

siem events cs

And for all other Defender ATP event types, go to Host → Events.

For a description of each field in the module, see the exported fields section.