
Integration plugins

Integration plugins combine related plugins—​inputs, outputs, and sometimes filters and codecs—​into one package.

Integration Plugin Description Github repository
aws Plugins for use with Amazon Web Services (AWS). logstash-integration-aws
elastic_enterprise_search (deprecated) [deprecated at Elastic Stack version 9.0.0 and plugin version 3.0.1] Plugins for use with Elastic Enterprise Search. logstash-integration-elastic_enterprise_search
jdbc Plugins for use with databases that provide JDBC drivers. logstash-integration-jdbc
kafka Plugins for use with the Kafka distributed streaming platform. logstash-integration-kafka
logstash Plugins to enable Logstash-to-Logstash communication. logstash-integration-logstash
rabbitmq Plugins for processing events to or from a RabbitMQ broker. logstash-integration-rabbitmq
snmp Plugins for polling devices using Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) or creating events from SNMPtrap messages. logstash-integration-snmp