
Elastic APM Node.Js Agent known issues

Release date: January 12, 2024

Known issue: Using the APM agent’s [ECMAScript module support](The current ESM support is limited — only a subset of the modules listed at Supported technologies with Node.js v18.19.0 is not supported in this version. Upgrade to APM agent version v4.5.0 or later, or use Node.js v18.18.1 or earlier. See https://github.com/elastic/apm-agent-nodejs/issues/3784 for details.

Release date: December 5, 2023
Known issue: Using the APM agent’s ECMAScript module support with Node.js v18.19.0 is not supported in this version. Upgrade to APM agent version v4.5.0 or later, or use Node.js v18.18.1 or earlier. See https://github.com/elastic/apm-agent-nodejs/issues/3784 for details.