
Upgrade to v1.x

The following is a guide on upgrading your Node.js agent from version 0.x to version 1.x.

Version 1.x of the Node.js agent requires version 6.2 of the APM Server or higher.

The term "trace" was previously used to describe a small piece of work instrumented by the agent during a transaction. To align with modern APM vendors, we now refer to this as a "span"

The term "app" was previously used to describe your Node.js application in relation to Elastic APM. To be more specific, we now refer to this as a "service".

The following config options have been removed in version 1.0.0:

Name Note
logBody Use captureBody instead. Note that this option is not a boolean

The following config options have been renamed between version 0.x and 1.x.


The associated environment variable for each renamed config option have been renamed accordingly as well.

Old name New name Note
appName serviceName Renamed to align with new naming conventions
appVersion serviceVersion Renamed to align with new naming conventions
captureTraceStackTrace captureSpanStackTraces Renamed to align with new naming conventions
sourceContextErrorAppFrames sourceLinesErrorAppFrames Renamed to align with other agents
sourceContextSpanAppFrames sourceLinesSpanAppFrames Renamed to align with other agents
sourceContextErrorLibraryFrames sourceLinesErrorLibraryFrames Renamed to align with other agents
sourceContextSpanLibraryFrames sourceLinesSpanLibraryFrames Renamed to align with other agents
validateServerCert verifyServerCert Renamed to align with other agents

The following functions have been renamed between version 0.x and 1.x:

Old name New name Note
buildTrace() buildSpan() Renamed to align with new naming conventions