
Vue integration

This document covers how to use Real User Monitoring JavaScript agent with Vue applications.

This integration supports Vue.js versions ≥ 3.0


If you are using an Vuejs version < 3.0, use @elastic/apm-rum-vue 1.x to instrument your application. Details are available in a prior release.

Install the @elastic/apm-rum-vue package as a dependency to your application:

npm install --save @elastic/apm-rum-vue
app.use(ApmVuePlugin, options)
  • config (required) - RUM agent configuration options.
  • router (optional) - Instance of Vue Router. If provided, will start capturing both page load and SPA navigation events as transactions with path of the route as its name.
  • captureErrors (optional) - If enabled, will install a global Vue error handler to capture render errors inside the components. Defaults to true. The plugin captures the component name, lifecycle hook and file name (if it’s available) as part of the error context.

The package exposes ApmVuePlugin which is a Vue Plugin and can be installed in your application using Vue.use method.

import { createApp, defineComponent, h } from 'vue'
import { createRouter, createWebHashHistory } from 'vue-router'
import { ApmVuePlugin } from '@elastic/apm-rum-vue'
import App from './App.vue'

const Home = defineComponent({
  render: () => h("div", {}, "home")

const router = createRouter({
  history: createWebHashHistory(),
  routes: [
    { path: '/', component: Home }

  .use(ApmVuePlugin, {
    config: {
      serviceName: 'app-name',
      // agent configuration
  // app specific code

Instance of the agent can be accessed inside all the components using this.$apm

  <div>Component timings as span</div>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      span: null
  created() {
    this.span = this.$apm.startSpan('create-mount-duration', 'custom')
  mounted() {
    this.span && this.span.end()

In case of both SFC and Composition API usage via the recommended <script setup> syntax the access of the instance is supported by the vue plugin injection

  <div>Component timings as span</div>

<script setup>
import { inject, onMounted, onUnmounted, ref } from 'vue'

const $apm = inject('$apm')
const span = ref(null)

onMounted(() =>
  span.value = $apm.startSpan('mount-unmount-duration', 'custom')

onUnmounted(() =>

ApmVuePlugin expects the router option to be an instance of VueRouter since it uses the navigation guards functionality.

Once the plugin is initialized, both page load and SPA navigation events will be captured as transactions with the path of the route as its name and page-load or route-change as type.