
Add data tutorials

Add Data in the Kibana Home application contains tutorials for setting up data flows in the Elastic stack.

Each tutorial contains three sets of instructions:

  • On Premise. Set up a data flow when both Kibana and Elasticsearch are running on premise.
  • On Premise Elastic Cloud. Set up a data flow when Kibana is running on premise and Elasticsearch is running on Elastic Cloud.
  • Elastic Cloud. Set up a data flow when both Kibana and Elasticsearch are running on Elastic Cloud.
  1. Create a new directory in the tutorials directory.
  2. In the new directory, create a file called index.ts that exports a function. The function must return a function object that conforms to the TutorialSchema interface tutorial schema.
  3. Register the tutorial in register.ts by adding it to the builtInTutorials.
  4. Add image assets to the tutorial_resources directory.
  5. Run Kibana locally to preview the tutorial.
  6. Create a PR and go through the review process to get the changes approved.

If you are creating a new plugin and the tutorial is only related to that plugin, you can also place the TutorialSchema object into your plugin folder. Add home to the requiredPlugins list in your kibana.json file. Then register the tutorial object by calling home.tutorials.registerTutorial(tutorialObject) in the setup lifecycle of your server plugin.

String values can contain variables that are substituted when rendered. Variables are specified by {}. For example: {config.docs.version} is rendered as 6.2 when running the tutorial in Kibana 6.2.

Provided variables

String values can contain limited Markdown syntax.

Enabled Markdown grammars