Basic configuration
This page shows you the possible basic configuration options that the clients offers.
const { Client } = require('@elastic/elasticsearch')
const client = new Client({
cloud: { id: '<cloud-id>' },
auth: { apiKey: 'base64EncodedKey' },
maxRetries: 5,
sniffOnStart: true
node or nodes |
The Elasticsearch endpoint to use. It can be a single string or an array of strings: js<br>node: 'http://localhost:9200'<br> Or it can be an object (or an array of objects) that represents the node: js<br>node: {<br> url: new URL('http://localhost:9200'),<br> tls: 'tls options',<br> agent: 'http agent options',<br> id: 'custom node id',<br> headers: { 'custom': 'headers' }<br> roles: {<br> master: true,<br> data: true,<br> ingest: true,<br> ml: false<br> }<br>}<br> |
auth |
Your authentication data. You can use both basic authentication and ApiKey. See Authentication for more details. Default: null Basic authentication: js<br>auth: {<br> username: 'elastic',<br> password: 'changeme'<br>}<br> ApiKey authentication: js<br>auth: {<br> apiKey: 'base64EncodedKey'<br>}<br> Bearer authentication, useful for service account tokens. Be aware that it does not handle automatic token refresh: js<br>auth: {<br> bearer: 'token'<br>}<br> |
maxRetries |
number - Max number of retries for each request.Default: 3 |
requestTimeout |
number - Max request timeout in milliseconds for each request.Default: No value |
pingTimeout |
number - Max ping request timeout in milliseconds for each request.Default: 3000 |
sniffInterval |
number, boolean - Perform a sniff operation every n milliseconds. Sniffing might not be the best solution for you, take a look here to know more.Default: false |
sniffOnStart |
boolean - Perform a sniff once the client is started. Sniffing might not be the best solution for you, take a look here to know more.Default: false |
sniffEndpoint |
string - Endpoint to ping during a sniff.Default: '_nodes/_all/http' |
sniffOnConnectionFault |
boolean - Perform a sniff on connection fault. Sniffing might not be the best solution for you, take a look here to know more.Default: false |
resurrectStrategy |
string - Configure the node resurrection strategy.Options: 'ping' , 'optimistic' , 'none' Default: 'ping' |
suggestCompression |
boolean - Adds accept-encoding header to every request.Default: false |
compression |
string, boolean - Enables gzip request body compression.Options: 'gzip' , false Default: false |
tls |
http.SecureContextOptions - tls configuraton.Default: null |
proxy |
string, URL - If you are using an http(s) proxy, you can put its url here. The client will automatically handle the connection to it.Default: null js<br>const client = new Client({<br> node: 'http://localhost:9200',<br> proxy: 'http://localhost:8080'<br>})<br><br>const client = new Client({<br> node: 'http://localhost:9200',<br> proxy: 'http://user:pwd@localhost:8080'<br>})<br> |
agent |
http.AgentOptions, function - http agent options, or a function that returns an actual http agent instance. If you want to disable the http agent use entirely (and disable the keep-alive feature), set the agent to false .Default: null js<br>const client = new Client({<br> node: 'http://localhost:9200',<br> agent: { agent: 'options' }<br>})<br><br>const client = new Client({<br> node: 'http://localhost:9200',<br> // the function takes as parameter the option<br> // object passed to the Connection constructor<br> agent: (opts) => new CustomAgent()<br>})<br><br>const client = new Client({<br> node: 'http://localhost:9200',<br> // Disable agent and keep-alive<br> agent: false<br>})<br> |
nodeFilter |
function - Filters which node not to use for a request.Default: js<br>function defaultNodeFilter (node) {<br> // avoid master only nodes<br> if (node.roles.master === true &&<br> === false &&<br> node.roles.ingest === false) {<br> return false<br> }<br> return true<br>}<br> |
nodeSelector |
function - custom selection strategy.Options: 'round-robin' , 'random' , custom functionDefault: 'round-robin' Custom function example: js<br>function nodeSelector (connections) {<br> const index = calculateIndex()<br> return connections[index]<br>}<br> |
generateRequestId |
function - function to generate the request id for every request, it takes two parameters, the request parameters and options.By default it generates an incremental integer for every request. Custom function example: js<br>function generateRequestId (params, options) {<br> // your id generation logic<br> // must be syncronous<br> return 'id'<br>}<br> |
name |
string, symbol - The name to identify the client instance in the events.Default: elasticsearch-js |
opaqueIdPrefix |
string - A string that will be use to prefix any X-Opaque-Id header.See X-Opaque-Id support for more details._Default:* null |
headers |
object - A set of custom headers to send in every request.Default: {} |
context |
object - A custom object that you can use for observability in your events.It will be merged with the API level context option.Default: null |
enableMetaHeader |
boolean - If true, adds an header named 'x-elastic-client-meta' , containing some minimal telemetry data,such as the client and platform version.Default: true |
cloud |
object - Custom configuration for connecting to Elastic Cloud. See Authentication for more details.Default: null Cloud configuration example: js<br>const client = new Client({<br> cloud: {<br> id: '<cloud-id>'<br> },<br> auth: {<br> username: 'elastic',<br> password: 'changeme'<br> }<br>})<br> |
disablePrototypePoisoningProtection |
boolean , 'proto' , 'constructor' - The client can protect you against prototype poisoning attacks. Read this article to learn more about this security concern. If needed, you can enable prototype poisoning protection entirely (false ) or one of the two checks ('proto' or 'constructor' ). For performance reasons, it is disabled by default. Read the secure-json-parse documentation to learn more.Default: true |
caFingerprint |
string - If configured, verify that the fingerprint of the CA certificate that has signed the certificate of the server matches the supplied fingerprint. Only accepts SHA256 digest fingerprints.Default: null |
maxResponseSize |
number - When configured, it verifies that the uncompressed response size is lower than the configured number, if it’s higher it will abort the request. It cannot be higher than buffer.constants.MAX_STRING_LENGTHDefault: null |
maxCompressedResponseSize |
number - When configured, it verifies that the compressed response size is lower than the configured number, if it’s higher it will abort the request. It cannot be higher than buffer.constants.MAX_LENGTHDefault: null |