
Code signature fields

Elastic Stack Serverless

These fields contain information about binary code signatures.

Field Description Level
code_signature.digest_algorithm The hashing algorithm used to sign the process.

This value can distinguish signatures when a file is signed multiple times by the same signer but with a different digest algorithm.

type: keyword

example: sha256
code_signature.exists Boolean to capture if a signature is present.

type: boolean

example: true
code_signature.signing_id The identifier used to sign the process.

This is used to identify the application manufactured by a software vendor. The field is relevant to Apple *OS only.

type: keyword

example: com.apple.xpc.proxy
code_signature.status Additional information about the certificate status.

This is useful for logging cryptographic errors with the certificate validity or trust status. Leave unpopulated if the validity or trust of the certificate was unchecked.

type: keyword

code_signature.subject_name Subject name of the code signer

type: keyword

example: Microsoft Corporation
code_signature.team_id The team identifier used to sign the process.

This is used to identify the team or vendor of a software product. The field is relevant to Apple *OS only.

type: keyword

example: EQHXZ8M8AV
code_signature.timestamp Date and time when the code signature was generated and signed.

type: date

example: 2021-01-01T12:10:30Z
code_signature.trusted Stores the trust status of the certificate chain.

Validating the trust of the certificate chain may be complicated, and this field should only be populated by tools that actively check the status.

type: boolean

example: true
code_signature.valid Boolean to capture if the digital signature is verified against the binary content.

Leave unpopulated if a certificate was unchecked.

type: boolean

example: true
Field Description Level
code_signature.flags The flags used to sign the process.

type: keyword

example: 570522385

The code_signature fields are expected to be nested at:

  • dll.code_signature
  • file.code_signature
  • process.code_signature

Note also that the code_signature fields are not expected to be used directly at the root of the events.