


This setting is only used with the age filtertype to define, whether the unit_count value is taken from the configuration or read from the index name via a regular expression.

- filtertype: age
  source: creation_date
  direction: older
  unit: days
  unit_count: 3
  unit_count_pattern: -([0-9]+)-

This setting can be used in cases where the value against which index age should be assessed is not a static value but can be different for every index. For this case, there is the option of extracting the index specific value from the index names via a regular expression defined in this parameter.

Consider for example the following index name patterns that contain the retention time in their name: logstash-30-yyyy.mm.dd, logstash-12-yyyy.mm, _3_logstash-yyyy.mm.dd.

To extract a value from the index names, this setting will be compiled as a regular expression and matched against index names, for a successful match, the value of the first capture group from the regular expression is used as the value for unit_count.

If there is any error during compiling or matching the expression, or the expression does not contain a capture group, the value configured in unit_count is used as a fallback value, unless it is set to -1, in which case the index will be skipped.


Regular expressions and match groups are not explained here as they are a fairly large and complex topic, but there are numerous resources online that will help. Using an online tool for testing regular expressions like regex101.com will help a lot when developing patterns.


  • logstash-30-yyyy.mm.dd: Daily index that should be deleted after 30 days, indices that don’t match the pattern will be deleted after 365 days
- filtertype: age
  source: creation_date
  direction: older
  unit: days
  unit_count: 365
  unit_count_pattern: -([0-9]+)-
  • logstash-12-yyyy.mm: Monthly index that should be deleted after 12 months, indices that don’t match the pattern will be deleted after 3 months
- filtertype: age
  source: creation_date
  direction: older
  unit: months
  unit_count: 3
  unit_count_pattern: -([0-9]+)-
  • _3_logstash-yyyy.mm.dd: Daily index that should be deleted after 3 years, indices that don’t match the pattern will be ignored
- filtertype: age
  source: creation_date
  direction: older
  unit: years
  unit_count: -1
  unit_count_pattern: ^_([0-9]+)_

Be sure to pay attention to the interaction of this parameter and unit_count!