All settings are structured using dictionaries and lists. Those are collapsed into "namespaced" settings, by creating a setting using the full path of the settings name and it’s parent structures names, when reading the configuration file.
For example this setting:
index: 'beat-%{[agent.version]}-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}'
gets collapsed into output.elasticsearch.index: 'beat-%{[agent.version]}-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}'
. The full name of a setting is based on all parent structures involved.
Lists create numeric names starting with 0.
For example this filebeat setting:
- type: log
Gets collapsed into filebeat.inputs.0.type: log
Alternatively to using indentation, setting names can be used in collapsed form too.
Note: having two settings with same fully collapsed path is invalid.
Simple filebeat example with partially collapsed setting names and use of compact form:
- type: log
paths: ["/var/log/*.log"]
multiline.pattern: '^['
multiline.match: after
output.elasticsearch.hosts: ["http://localhost:9200"]