
MISP Integration

<div class="condensed-table">
| | |
| --- | --- |
| Version | 1.37.0 (View all) |
| Compatible Kibana version(s) | 8.13.0 or higher |
| Supported Serverless project types
What’s this? | Security
Observability |
| Subscription level
What’s this? | Basic |
| Level of support
What’s this? | Elastic |

The MISP integration uses the REST API from the running MISP instance to retrieve indicators and Threat Intelligence.

The MISP integration configuration allows to set the polling interval, how far back it should look initially, and optionally any filters used to filter the results.

The filters themselves are based on the MISP API documentation and should support all documented fields.

The MISP integration configuration allows to set the polling interval, how far back it should look initially, and optionally any filters used to filter the results. This datastream supports expiration of indicators of compromise (IOC). This data stream uses the /attributes/restSearch API endpoint which returns more granular information regarding MISP attributes and additional information such as decay_score. Using decay_score, the integration makes the attribute as decayed/expired if >= 50% of the decaying models consider the attribute to be decayed. Inside the document, the field decayed is set to true if the attribute is considered decayed. More information on decaying models can be found here.

The ingested IOCs expire after certain duration which is indicated by the decayed field. An Elastic Transform is created to faciliate only active IOCs be available to the end users. This transform creates destination indices named logs-ti_misp_latest.dest_threat_attributes-* which only contains active and unexpired IOCs. The latest destination index also has an alias named logs-ti_misp_latest.threat_attributes. When querying for active indicators or setting up indicator match rules, only use the latest destination indices or the alias to avoid false positives from expired IOCs. Dashboards for Threat Attributes datastream are also pointing to the latest destination indices containing active IoCs. Please read ILM Policy below which is added to avoid unbounded growth on source datastream .ds-logs-ti_misp.threat_attributes-* indices.

Some IOCs may never get decayed/expired and will continue to stay in the latest destination indices logs-ti_misp_latest.dest_threat_attributes-*. To avoid any false positives from such orphaned IOCs, users are allowed to configure IOC Expiration Duration parameter while setting up the integration. This parameter deletes all data inside the destination indices logs-ti_misp_latest.dest_threat_attributes-* after this specified duration is reached, defaults to 90d after attribute’s max(last_seen, timestamp). Note that IOC Expiration Duration parameter only exists to add a fail-safe default expiration in case IOCs never expire.

To facilitate IOC expiration, source datastream-backed indices .ds-logs-ti_misp.threat_attributes-* are allowed to contain duplicates from each polling interval. ILM policy is added to these source indices so it doesn’t lead to unbounded growth. This means data in these source indices will be deleted after 5 days from ingested date.