
Add a data stream

A data stream is a logical sub-division of an integration package, dealing with a specific observable aspect of the service or product being observed. For example, the Apache integration has three data streams, each represented by a separate folder of assets in the data_stream directory:

│   └───access
│   └───error
│   └───status

Data streams allow you to store time series data across multiple indices while giving you a single named resource for requests.

A data stream defines multiple Elasticsearch assets, like index templates, ingest pipelines, and field definitions. These assets are loaded into Elasticsearch when a user installs an integration using the Fleet UI in Kibana.

A data stream also defines a policy template. Policy templates include variables that allow users to configure the data stream using the Fleet UI in Kibana. Then, the Elastic Agent interprets the resulting policy to collect relevant information from the product or service being observed. Policy templates can also define an integration’s supported deployment_modes.

See data streams for more information.

Bootstrap a new data stream using the TUI wizard. In the directory of your package, run:

elastic-package create data-stream

Follow the prompts to name, title, and select your data stream type. Then, run this command each time you add a new data stream to your integration.

Next, manually adjust the data stream:

  • define required variables
  • define used fields
  • define ingest pipeline definitions (if necessary)
  • update the Elastic Agent's stream configuration