Docker network_summary metricset
This functionality is in beta and is subject to change. The design and code is less mature than official GA features and is being provided as-is with no warranties. Beta features are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features.
The network_summary
metricset collects detailed network metrics from the processes associated with a container. These stats come from /proc/[PID]/net
, and are summed across the different namespaces found across the PIDs.
Because this metricset will try to access network counters from procfs, it is only available on linux.
For a description of each field in the metricset, see the exported fields section.
Here is an example document generated by this metricset:
"@timestamp": "2017-10-12T08:05:34.853Z",
"container": {
"id": "b1c3118fb2087e499c421aa20e28847ad4c185be6c1864166b1a03cc2affaf80",
"image": {
"name": ""
"name": "elastic-package-stack_elastic-agent_1",
"runtime": "docker"
"docker": {
"container": {
"labels": {
"com_docker_compose_config-hash": "fdad7f67fafe5a242b9b9d27bff78bef4b96c683a2bb1412d91c32fb5981f2b3",
"com_docker_compose_container-number": "1",
"com_docker_compose_oneoff": "False",
"com_docker_compose_project": "elastic-package-stack",
"com_docker_compose_project_config_files": "/home/alexk/.elastic-package/stack/openport/snapshot.yml",
"com_docker_compose_project_working_dir": "/home/alexk/.elastic-package/stack/openport",
"com_docker_compose_service": "elastic-agent",
"com_docker_compose_version": "1.27.4",
"description": "Agent manages other beats based on configuration provided.",
"io_k8s_description": "Agent manages other beats based on configuration provided.",
"io_k8s_display-name": "Elastic-Agent image",
"license": "Elastic License",
"maintainer": "",
"name": "elastic-agent",
"org_label-schema_build-date": "2021-04-21T06:45:43Z",
"org_label-schema_license": "Elastic License",
"org_label-schema_name": "elastic-agent",
"org_label-schema_schema-version": "1.0",
"org_label-schema_url": "",
"org_label-schema_vcs-ref": "c52c43963ca8416dc92c7d3dbf6cb6e89dd00acf",
"org_label-schema_vcs-url": "",
"org_label-schema_vendor": "Elastic",
"org_label-schema_version": "7.13.0-SNAPSHOT",
"org_opencontainers_image_created": "2021-04-21T06:45:43Z",
"org_opencontainers_image_licenses": "Elastic License",
"org_opencontainers_image_title": "Elastic-Agent",
"org_opencontainers_image_vendor": "Elastic",
"release": "1",
"summary": "elastic-agent",
"url": "",
"vendor": "Elastic",
"version": "7.13.0-SNAPSHOT"
"network_summary": {
"icmp": {
"InAddrMaskReps": 0,
"InAddrMasks": 0,
"InCsumErrors": 0,
"InDestUnreachs": 0,
"InEchoReps": 0,
"InEchos": 0,
"InErrors": 0,
"InMsgs": 0,
"InParmProbs": 0,
"InRedirects": 0,
"InSrcQuenchs": 0,
"InTimeExcds": 0,
"InTimestampReps": 0,
"InTimestamps": 0,
"OutAddrMaskReps": 0,
"OutAddrMasks": 0,
"OutDestUnreachs": 0,
"OutEchoReps": 0,
"OutEchos": 0,
"OutErrors": 0,
"OutMsgs": 0,
"OutParmProbs": 0,
"OutRedirects": 0,
"OutSrcQuenchs": 0,
"OutTimeExcds": 0,
"OutTimestampReps": 0,
"OutTimestamps": 0
"ip": {
"DefaultTTL": 64,
"ForwDatagrams": 0,
"Forwarding": 1,
"FragCreates": 0,
"FragFails": 0,
"FragOKs": 0,
"InAddrErrors": 0,
"InBcastOctets": 0,
"InBcastPkts": 0,
"InCEPkts": 0,
"InCsumErrors": 0,
"InDelivers": 1246323,
"InDiscards": 0,
"InECT0Pkts": 0,
"InECT1Pkts": 0,
"InHdrErrors": 0,
"InMcastOctets": 0,
"InMcastPkts": 0,
"InNoECTPkts": 1246337,
"InNoRoutes": 0,
"InOctets": 172967508,
"InReceives": 1246323,
"InTruncatedPkts": 0,
"InUnknownProtos": 0,
"OutBcastOctets": 0,
"OutBcastPkts": 0,
"OutDiscards": 0,
"OutMcastOctets": 0,
"OutMcastPkts": 0,
"OutNoRoutes": 0,
"OutOctets": 2783525210,
"OutRequests": 1550542,
"ReasmFails": 0,
"ReasmOKs": 0,
"ReasmOverlaps": 0,
"ReasmReqds": 0,
"ReasmTimeout": 0
"namespace": {
"ID": 4026532414,
"pid": 2240728
"tcp": {
"ActiveOpens": 742,
"ArpFilter": 0,
"AttemptFails": 0,
"BusyPollRxPackets": 0,
"CurrEstab": 12,
"DelayedACKLocked": 0,
"DelayedACKLost": 1,
"DelayedACKs": 23466,
"EmbryonicRsts": 0,
"EstabResets": 0,
"IPReversePathFilter": 0,
"InCsumErrors": 0,
"InErrs": 0,
"InSegs": 1243467,
"ListenDrops": 0,
"ListenOverflows": 0,
"LockDroppedIcmps": 0,
"MaxConn": -1,
"OfoPruned": 0,
"OutOfWindowIcmps": 0,
"OutRsts": 709,
"OutSegs": 2936174,
"PAWSActive": 0,
"PAWSEstab": 19,
"PFMemallocDrop": 0,
"PassiveOpens": 4,
"PruneCalled": 0,
"RcvPruned": 0,
"RetransSegs": 1613,
"RtoAlgorithm": 1,
"RtoMax": 120000,
"RtoMin": 200,
"SyncookiesFailed": 0,
"SyncookiesRecv": 0,
"SyncookiesSent": 0,
"TCPACKSkippedChallenge": 0,
"TCPACKSkippedFinWait2": 0,
"TCPACKSkippedPAWS": 0,
"TCPACKSkippedSeq": 0,
"TCPACKSkippedSynRecv": 0,
"TCPACKSkippedTimeWait": 0,
"TCPAbortFailed": 0,
"TCPAbortOnClose": 0,
"TCPAbortOnData": 705,
"TCPAbortOnLinger": 0,
"TCPAbortOnMemory": 0,
"TCPAbortOnTimeout": 0,
"TCPAckCompressed": 0,
"TCPAutoCorking": 763,
"TCPBacklogCoalesce": 1358,
"TCPBacklogDrop": 0,
"TCPChallengeACK": 0,
"TCPDSACKIgnoredDubious": 0,
"TCPDSACKIgnoredNoUndo": 1498,
"TCPDSACKIgnoredOld": 0,
"TCPDSACKOfoRecv": 0,
"TCPDSACKOfoSent": 0,
"TCPDSACKOldSent": 1,
"TCPDSACKRecv": 1586,
"TCPDSACKRecvSegs": 1589,
"TCPDSACKUndo": 2,
"TCPDeferAcceptDrop": 0,
"TCPDelivered": 2275375,
"TCPDeliveredCE": 0,
"TCPFastOpenActive": 0,
"TCPFastOpenActiveFail": 0,
"TCPFastOpenBlackhole": 0,
"TCPFastOpenCookieReqd": 0,
"TCPFastOpenListenOverflow": 0,
"TCPFastOpenPassive": 0,
"TCPFastOpenPassiveAltKey": 0,
"TCPFastOpenPassiveFail": 0,
"TCPFastRetrans": 7,
"TCPFromZeroWindowAdv": 0,
"TCPFullUndo": 1,
"TCPHPAcks": 537452,
"TCPHPHits": 144087,
"TCPHystartDelayCwnd": 0,
"TCPHystartDelayDetect": 0,
"TCPHystartTrainCwnd": 36,
"TCPHystartTrainDetect": 2,
"TCPKeepAlive": 171573,
"TCPLossFailures": 0,
"TCPLossProbeRecovery": 0,
"TCPLossProbes": 2183,
"TCPLossUndo": 0,
"TCPLostRetransmit": 0,
"TCPMD5Failure": 0,
"TCPMD5NotFound": 0,
"TCPMD5Unexpected": 0,
"TCPMTUPFail": 0,
"TCPMTUPSuccess": 0,
"TCPMemoryPressures": 0,
"TCPMemoryPressuresChrono": 0,
"TCPMinTTLDrop": 0,
"TCPOFODrop": 0,
"TCPOFOMerge": 0,
"TCPOFOQueue": 0,
"TCPOrigDataSent": 2273068,
"TCPPartialUndo": 1,
"TCPPureAcks": 215589,
"TCPRcvCoalesce": 10,
"TCPRcvCollapsed": 0,
"TCPRcvQDrop": 0,
"TCPRenoFailures": 0,
"TCPRenoRecovery": 0,
"TCPRenoRecoveryFail": 0,
"TCPRenoReorder": 0,
"TCPReqQFullDoCookies": 0,
"TCPReqQFullDrop": 0,
"TCPRetransFail": 0,
"TCPSACKDiscard": 0,
"TCPSACKReneging": 0,
"TCPSACKReorder": 256,
"TCPSYNChallenge": 0,
"TCPSackFailures": 0,
"TCPSackMerged": 5,
"TCPSackRecovery": 4,
"TCPSackRecoveryFail": 0,
"TCPSackShiftFallback": 160,
"TCPSackShifted": 0,
"TCPSlowStartRetrans": 0,
"TCPSpuriousRTOs": 0,
"TCPSpuriousRtxHostQueues": 2,
"TCPSynRetrans": 24,
"TCPTSReorder": 1,
"TCPTimeWaitOverflow": 0,
"TCPTimeouts": 24,
"TCPToZeroWindowAdv": 0,
"TCPWantZeroWindowAdv": 0,
"TCPWinProbe": 0,
"TCPWqueueTooBig": 0,
"TCPZeroWindowDrop": 0,
"TW": 3,
"TWKilled": 0,
"TWRecycled": 0,
"TcpDuplicateDataRehash": 0,
"TcpTimeoutRehash": 24
"udp": {
"IgnoredMulti": 0,
"InCsumErrors": 0,
"InDatagrams": 2856,
"InErrors": 0,
"NoPorts": 0,
"OutDatagrams": 2856,
"RcvbufErrors": 0,
"SndbufErrors": 0
"udp_lite": {
"IgnoredMulti": 0,
"InCsumErrors": 0,
"InDatagrams": 0,
"InErrors": 0,
"NoPorts": 0,
"OutDatagrams": 0,
"RcvbufErrors": 0,
"SndbufErrors": 0
"event": {
"dataset": "docker.network_summary",
"duration": 115000,
"module": "docker"
"metricset": {
"name": "network_summary",
"period": 10000
"service": {
"address": "unix:///var/run/docker.sock",
"type": "docker"