
CockroachDB module

Prefer to use Elastic Agent for this use case?

Refer to the Elastic Integrations documentation.

This module periodically fetches metrics from CockroachDB.

The CockroachDB status metricset is compatible with any CockroachDB version exposing metrics in Prometheus format.

The CockroachDB module includes a predefined dashboard with overview information of the monitored servers.

metricbeat cockroachdb overview

The CockroachDB module supports the standard configuration options that are described in Modules. Here is an example configuration:

- module: cockroachdb
  metricsets: ['status']
  period: 10s
  hosts: ['localhost:8080']

  # This module uses the Prometheus collector metricset, all
  # the options for this metricset are also available here.
  #metrics_path: /_status/vars

This module supports TLS connections when using ssl config field, as described in SSL. It also supports the options described in Standard HTTP config options.

The following metricsets are available: