
ES|QL in the Ruby client

This page helps you understand and use ES|QL in the Ruby client.

There are two ways to use ES|QL in the Ruby client:

  • Use the Elasticsearch ES|QL API directly: This is the most flexible approach, but it’s also the most complex because you must handle results in their raw form. You can choose the precise format of results, such as JSON, CSV, or text.
  • Use the Ruby ES|QL helper: The helper maps the raw response to an object that’s more readily usable by your application.

The ES|QL query API allows you to specify how results should be returned. You can choose a response format such as CSV, text, or JSON, then fine-tune it with parameters like column separators and locale.

By default, the query API returns a Hash response with columns and values:

query = <<ESQL
        FROM sample_data
        | EVAL duration_ms = ROUND(event.duration / 1000000.0, 1)

response = client.esql.query(body: { query: query})
puts response

  {"name"=>"@timestamp", "type"=>"date"},
  {"name"=>"client.ip", "type"=>"ip"},
  {"name"=>"event.duration", "type"=>"long"},
  {"name"=>"message", "type"=>"keyword"},
  {"name"=>"duration_ms", "type"=>"double"}
  ["2023-10-23T12:15:03.360Z", "", 3450233, "Connected to", 3.5],
  ["2023-10-23T12:27:28.948Z", "", 2764889, "Connected to", 2.8],
  ["2023-10-23T13:33:34.937Z", "", 1232382, "Disconnected", 1.2],
  ["2023-10-23T13:51:54.732Z", "", 725448, "Connection error", 0.7],
  ["2023-10-23T13:52:55.015Z", "", 8268153, "Connection error", 8.3],
  ["2023-10-23T13:53:55.832Z", "", 5033755, "Connection error", 5.0],
  ["2023-10-23T13:55:01.543Z", "", 1756467, "Connected to", 1.8]

The ES|QL helper in the Ruby client provides an object response from the ES|QL query API, instead of the default JSON value.

To use the ES|QL helper, require it in your code:

require 'elasticsearch/helpers/esql_helper'

The helper returns an array of hashes with the columns as keys and the respective values. Using the preceding example, the helper returns the following:

response = Elasticsearch::Helpers::ESQLHelper.query(client, query)

puts response

{"duration_ms"=>3.5, "message"=>"Connected to", "event.duration"=>3450233, "client.ip"=>"", "@timestamp"=>"2023-10-23T12:15:03.360Z"}
{"duration_ms"=>2.8, "message"=>"Connected to", "event.duration"=>2764889, "client.ip"=>"", "@timestamp"=>"2023-10-23T12:27:28.948Z"}
{"duration_ms"=>1.2, "message"=>"Disconnected", "event.duration"=>1232382, "client.ip"=>"", "@timestamp"=>"2023-10-23T13:33:34.937Z"}
{"duration_ms"=>0.7, "message"=>"Connection error", "event.duration"=>725448, "client.ip"=>"", "@timestamp"=>"2023-10-23T13:51:54.732Z"}
{"duration_ms"=>8.3, "message"=>"Connection error", "event.duration"=>8268153, "client.ip"=>"", "@timestamp"=>"2023-10-23T13:52:55.015Z"}

Additionally, you can transform the data in the response by passing in a Hash of column => Proc values. You could use this for example to convert @timestamp into a DateTime object. Pass in a Hash to query as a parser defining a Proc for each value you’d like to parse:

require 'elasticsearch/helpers/esql_helper'

parser = {
  '@timestamp' => Proc.new { |t| DateTime.parse(t) }
response = Elasticsearch::Helpers::ESQLHelper.query(client, query, parser: parser)
# <DateTime: 2023-10-23T12:15:03+00:00 ((2460241j,44103s,360000000n),+0s,2299161j)>

You can pass in as many Procs as there are columns in the response. For example:

parser = {
  '@timestamp' => Proc.new { |t| DateTime.parse(t) },
  'client.ip' => Proc.new { |i| IPAddr.new(i) },
  'event.duration' => Proc.new { |d| d.to_s }

response = Elasticsearch::Helpers::ESQLHelper.query(client, query, parser: parser)

puts response

{"duration_ms"=>3.5, "message"=>"Connected to", "event.duration"=>"3450233", "client.ip"=>#<IPAddr: IPv4:>, "@timestamp"=>#<DateTime: 2023-10-23T12:15:03+00:00 ((2460241j,44103s,360000000n),+0s,2299161j)>}
{"duration_ms"=>2.8, "message"=>"Connected to", "event.duration"=>"2764889", "client.ip"=>#<IPAddr: IPv4:>, "@timestamp"=>#<DateTime: 2023-10-23T12:27:28+00:00 ((2460241j,44848s,948000000n),+0s,2299161j)>}
{"duration_ms"=>1.2, "message"=>"Disconnected", "event.duration"=>"1232382", "client.ip"=>#<IPAddr: IPv4:>, "@timestamp"=>#<DateTime: 2023-10-23T13:33:34+00:00 ((2460241j,48814s,937000000n),+0s,2299161j)>}
{"duration_ms"=>0.7, "message"=>"Connection error", "event.duration"=>"725448", "client.ip"=>#<IPAddr: IPv4:>, "@timestamp"=>#<DateTime: 2023-10-23T13:51:54+00:00 ((2460241j,49914s,732000000n),+0s,2299161j)>}
{"duration_ms"=>8.3, "message"=>"Connection error", "event.duration"=>"8268153", "client.ip"=>#<IPAddr: IPv4:>, "@timestamp"=>#<DateTime: 2023-10-23T13:52:55+00:00 ((2460241j,49975s,15000000n),+0s,2299161j)>}