
Product Carousels

Carousels can be used to show groups of products into a row and are typically used to show products within a specific category or tag, like "most popular", "best rated" and "on sale".

In this example, we show a carousel of products within the "TVs" category using the Results component and overriding the view.

You can adjust the number of results returned via the resultsPerPage configuration.

import { Results, SearchProvider } from "@elastic/react-search-ui";
import { config } from "./config";

const CustomResultsView = ({ children }) => {
  return (
    <div className="relative overflow-x-auto">
      <ul className="flex snap-x">{children}</ul>
import AppSearchAPIConnector from "@elastic/search-ui-app-search-connector";

const connector = new AppSearchAPIConnector({
searchKey: "<search-key>",
engineName: "<engine-name>",
endpointBase: "<endpoint-base>",

export const config = () => ({
  alwaysSearchOnInitialLoad: true,
  trackUrlState: false,
  initialState: {
    resultsPerPage: 8
  searchQuery: {
    filters: [{ field: "parent_category", values: ["TVs"] }],
    result_fields: {
      name: {
        raw: {}
      image: { raw: {} },
      url: { raw: {} }
  apiConnector: connector