
Set security user processor

Sets user-related details (such as username, roles, email, full_name, metadata, api_key, realm and authentication_type) from the current authenticated user to the current document by pre-processing the ingest. The api_key property exists only if the user authenticates with an API key. It is an object containing the id, name and metadata (if it exists and is non-empty) fields of the API key. The realm property is also an object with two fields, name and type. When using API key authentication, the realm property refers to the realm from which the API key is created. The authentication_type property is a string that can take value from REALM, API_KEY, TOKEN and ANONYMOUS.


Requires an authenticated user for the index request.

Name Required Default Description
field yes - The field to store the user information into.
properties no [username, roles, email, full_name, metadata, api_key, realm, authentication_type] Controls what user related properties are added to the field.
description no - Description of the processor. Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration.
if no - Conditionally execute the processor. See Conditionally run a processor.
ignore_failure no false Ignore failures for the processor. See Handling pipeline failures.
on_failure no - Handle failures for the processor. See Handling pipeline failures.
tag no - Identifier for the processor. Useful for debugging and metrics.

The following example adds all user details for the current authenticated user to the user field for all documents that are processed by this pipeline:

  "processors" : [
      "set_security_user": {
        "field": "user"