

State can be divided up into a few different types.

  1. Request State - State that is used as parameters on Search API calls.
  2. Response State - State that represents a response from a Search API call.
  3. Application State - The general state.

Request State and Response State will often have similar values. For instance, searchTerm and resultSearchTerm. searchTerm is the current search term in the UI, and resultSearchTerm is the term associated with the current results. This can be relevant in the UI, where you might not want the search term on the page to change until AFTER a response is received, so you’d use the resultSearchTerm state.

State that is used as parameters on Search API calls.

Request state can be set by:

  • Using actions, like setSearchTerm
  • The initialState option.
  • The URL query string, if trackUrlState is enabled.
option Description
current Current page number
filters Array of filters. See Filters section.
searchTerm Search terms to search for
sort List of fields and directions to sort on

State that represents a response from a Search API call.

It is not directly update-able.

It is updated indirectly by invoking an action which results in a new API request.

field description
autocompletedResults An array of results items fetched for an autocomplete dropdown.
autocompletedResultsRequestId A unique ID for the current autocompleted search results.
autocompletedSuggestions A keyed object of query suggestions. It’s keyed by type since multiple types of query suggestions can be set here.
autocompletedSuggestionsRequestId A unique ID for the current autocompleted suggestion results.
facets Will be populated if facets configured in Search Query Facets Configuration.
rawResponse The response object received from the API
requestId A unique ID for the current search results.
results An array of result items.
resultSearchTerm As opposed the the searchTerm state, which is tied to the current search parameter, this is tied to the searchTerm for the current results. There will be a period of time in between when a request is started and finishes where the two pieces of state will differ.
totalResults Total number of results found for the current query.

Application state is the general application state.

field description
error Error message, if an error was thrown.
isLoading Whether or not a search is currently being performed.
wasSearched Has any query been performed since this driver was created? Can be useful for displaying initial states in the UI.